island update

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by мя.uLαѕ, May 3, 2017.

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  1. мя.uLαѕ

    мя.uLαѕ Someday Author

    Towers should shoot harder on fleets, is impossible one island get so much damage and have same atack
  2. michaelwells

    michaelwells Forum Ambassador

    Tower range should be decreased, slightly. It is annoying to look at the Mini Map, think you are far enough out, and then get hit by a couple of Towers.
  3. Corsair_Bill

    Corsair_Bill Forum Connoisseur

    I participated in defending an island attack this morning, this is just my observation . . it's neat to now be able to call for a mercenary fleet to take on an island and its defenses, but I also see it is a bit of an over-kill to give the fleet as many hp as a tower, that, and apparently allow them to be able to attack said island outside the range where the towers can do their work.

    This is just my opinion, but I think those who hire a merc fleet should also participate in the attack, this way if the guild loses the fight, it should be possible for the merc fleet to change sides . . and fleets should drop pearls if shot out, if we drop bp, then the npc's should drop pearls or something of similar value.

    As I said, just my opinion and observations, some might like it, some won't.
    мя.uLαѕ likes this.
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