It's broke

Discussion in 'Help' started by -PUSAT-, Oct 13, 2023.

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  1. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Expert

    GA3...... tired to log in after the server restarted, i keep getting an error code.......
  2. darky34

    darky34 Forum Greenhorn

    me to

    VЇCTOЯY™ Junior Expert

    Same here
  4. *-Sandokan-*

    *-Sandokan-* Forum Apprentice

    Same here
  5. *-Raven-*

    *-Raven-* Forum Greenhorn

    Same here. Server 40
  6. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates!

    Please turn off your game clients, reopen let it update.

    Mine worked after about 10 minutes.

    Browser version of the game works fine too.

  7. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates!

    The game is now back to normal.

    Since there is no further response I shall close this thread.


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