Jokers not working, AGAIN???

Discussion in 'Help' started by WolvesEyes, Jan 8, 2015.

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  1. WolvesEyes

    WolvesEyes Forum Apprentice

    Why are we not getting our rewards for jokers again?? Please fix this......
  2. Bisdak

    Bisdak Advanced

    I also have the same problem. Every time I get a joker from the Cauldron, it registers as x2 but when I throw the next mojo, the joker disappears. It happened about 5 times. Then I tried using the joker when I get one but the next item I get from the Cauldron is not doubled. I hope this gets fixed soon.
    WolvesEyes likes this.
  3. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    This has been forwarded and is under review. Thank you for your patience whilst we wait for any further feedback.

    This post will be closed pending any updates.

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