Announcement Jolly Roger Day (Ukraine)

Discussion in 'Event Announcements' started by Rymar, Aug 23, 2022.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Jolly Roger Day (Ukraine)

    Ahoy Pirates,

    There will be a “Jolly Roger Day” (Ukraine) starting on Wednesday, 24th August at 00:01 (local server time). The Event will run until Wednesday, 24th August at 23:59 (local server time).


    Let’s celebrate Jolly Roger for Ukraine! This time we prepared something special.

    Don’t forget to check it out by yourself!

    And for those who read till the end a nice voucher to celebrate Ukraine:
    (Valid between: 24th - 27th August)

    Your Seafight Team
    Bawdyn and The*Defiant like this.
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    The following changes have been applied to the Jolly Roger Event:

    • We have adjusted the Jolly Roger quests; increased the rewards and the requirements.
    • We have increased the spawn rate of the Freedom and Freedom II NPCs from 20 minutes to 6 minutes.
    • We have increased the amount that can spawn of the Freedom and Freedom II NPC's.
    • We have increased the Damage and Hitpoints of the Freedom and Freedom II NPC's.
    • We have increased the loot of the Freedom NPC.
    • Increased EXP, Pearls, Crystals based on the amount of Damage.
    • For Most Damage, Last Shot or Boarding the NPC we have a small chance to receive a Design, Gold or the King's Legacy.
    • If you already have the design, you have the chance to earn a second Design, Gold or Commonwealth Sellsword Level 3
    • If you already have the second design, you have the chance to earn Gold, Jolly Roger's Legacy or a Worldbreaker Level 3 Recipe.
    • We have increased the loot of the Freedom II NPC.
    • Increased the amount of EXP, Crystals and either Pearls, Crowns or Yulong Coins based on the amount of Damage you inflict.
    • For Most Damage, Last Shot and Boarding we have a small chance to receive a Design or Gold.
    • If you already have the design, you have the chance to earn a second Design, Gold or Commonwealth Sellsword Level 4
    • If you already have the second design, you have the chance to earn Gold or Jolly Roger's Legacy.
    • We have improved the Shipwreck and Event Chest loot.
    Your Seafight Team