Kalytron’s Retreat - New Raid!

Discussion in 'General FAQ's' started by Rymar, Jul 18, 2024.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Kalytron’s Retreat

    The mighty dragon Kalytron has reemerged in the heart of the Ezio Archipelago!

    Protected by fierce beasts it prepares to rain down fire and destruction on Nautica once more.

    It'll take a special kind of dragon hunter to enter Kalytron's Retreat and defeat the beast for good. Join the hunt, Captain.

    Glory and riches await!

    How to access Kalytron's Retreat raid map?

    To access Kalyton’s Retreat you require the action item Dragon Bind, these can be gained by completing certain quests or as possible loot from Kalyron.


    Kalytron is a formidable foe, so only users who are at least level 50 will be able to use the Dragon Bind to access the map.

    While on the Sea Chart, click on the Star icon in the shortcut bar.

    Then use the action item Dragon Bind (as shown below).


    A 15 second countdown will begin. You will then be automatically teleported to Kalyton’s Retreat.

    Note: You cannot access the Map from a Bonus Map or from a Safe Haven

    I am in, what to do now?

    You and the other players must work together to slay dragons and steal their loot!

    On the map, you can find two small dragons; Draconis and Defiled Draconis.

    Killing either of these two dragons will give you standard loot.

    A counter will show you how many you need to kill in order for Kalyton to appear; extremely wounded from your battle in the Dragonhoard Arena months prior and your most recent battle in the Ezio Archipelago.


    Once Kalyton has been defeated, more Draconis and Defiled Draconis will spawn, which again after a certain number have been defeated will cause Kalyton to reappear.

    If the player is sunk or logs out, they will then return to the Sea Chart Map from which they originally left from.

    A new Dragon Bind item must then be used in order to return to Kalyton’s Retreat.

    There is no limit to the number of players who can fight the Dragons on the map.

    While slaying Kalyton and Draconis is all very satisfying, we all want the loot they store!

    For this reason, we can bring a Treasure Ship into the map.

    Using the action item “Treasure Ship”, will spawn a Treasure Ship next to you within the map, as long as there are not too many already present.


    Killing any dragon within the radius of this Treasure Ship will increase the amount of loot it holds – be careful though, as if Kalyton sees it then it will be attacked to try prevent you from stealing the treasure!


    You don’t have to use your own Treasure Ship, work together with other players to kill the Dragons in range, and when the loot is finally handed out it will be divided to all players who have helped contribute based on the amount of damage they have inflicted to the Dragons that were killed.

    Once the Treasure Ship has started to gather the treasure, you will notice it starts to appear fuller – this is when it becomes even more vulnerable.

    Empty Treasure Ship


    Treasure Ship with some loot:


    Treasure Ship loaded with 5 stacks of valuable loot (max 20):


    Draconis and Defiled Draconis now start paying this ship more attention and will head towards it and attack the Treasure Ship, and of course Kalyton. Luckily, you can distract the dragons by attacking them – as long as they are being attacked they won’t attack the Treasure Ship.

    The dragon hunters have shared valuable information to help us in this fight, all dragons within this lair are vulnerable to Burning Ice Ammuntion, Marauder Ammunition and Bloodfyre Ammunition.

    Note: Only dragons defeated within the Treasure Ship blue circle zone will count towards extra loot. When amount of 20 is you will be rewarded with additional loot!

    How to leave the Kalytron's Retreat?

    In order to leave the map, simply click on the "Leave map" tab at the top of your screen.


    A 15 second countdown will begin, after which, you will automatically be teleported from the map.

    You will then return to the Sea Chart Map you were originally on.

    If you are attacked by anything, shoot anything or move during this countdown, your transfer will be cancelled.

    You can also use the regular log-out function to leave the Map.

    But again, you must not be attacked by anything, shoot anything or move during the countdown.
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