Karkinos issues

Discussion in 'Help' started by HMS-dozza, Mar 11, 2018.

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  1. HMS-dozza

    HMS-dozza Regular

    How am I, a solo player trying to do a lv13 quest meant to be able to board one of these things? It would be fine if it wasn't for the HOARDS of Titansmashers, 10 - 20 of them at a time dealing 10k each hit, how is this even meant to be possible for any lvl 13 player??
    Panthoneum likes this.
  2. sertatumsingi

    sertatumsingi Junior Expert

    I too am experiencing this issue, first of all I haven't found one yet after searching maps 8-9 for more than 3 hours. Secondly there is the titansmasher issue. And third even if you can find it, somebody else probably found it too and since small players can only board below 25%.. and big players can board at 50%.

    I mean, this quest is not even a pirate test and I have been stuck on it for more than a week.

    Can't we get an option to skip quests with pearls?
  3. rubenrs

    rubenrs Advanced

    I think the Titans will be nerfed eventually - maybe fewer, maybe some will despawn, maybe they will become weaker. I am pretty sure the developers by now understands that Karkinos = major disutility. Until then it's quite popular to just do the quests right after or close after server reset since very few titans will have spawned at that point. If you're doing the quests some hours after server update you might need to find a higher leveled player to tank some of the dmg.
    sertatumsingi likes this.
  4. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    This quest is one of the harder ones. The feedback has all been gathered and reported, they may or may not change it, this we will have to wait and see.

    As this is more a discussion thread then I shall close this, however please do open a new thread in the general feedback if you wish to continue with the discussion.

    Seren GTL

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