L3 Priest

Discussion in 'Help' started by rattler1958, Apr 16, 2014.

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  1. rattler1958

    rattler1958 Forum Inhabitant

    I get one that "lasts 30 days". I write the date down. the stop working in less than 30 days. 634/41737028... Please look into this. Thank You...Ratt
  2. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Your voodoo priest is set to expire on 2014-11-18 and is working as designed. It took 4 mins 30 seconds to repair you voodoo points from 0 to full rep, this is an average of 1009 points per second.

    Can you explain why you feel this is not working?
  3. rattler1958

    rattler1958 Forum Inhabitant

    When the priests were first available, I purchased one that repaired as I moved. There was no "time limit " mentioned. That one lasted about 3 weeks. I had others since then. 1009 per second still seems slow to me. I feel it should keep up with my L5 carpenter. F.Y.I. I never heard back from support about the one I Purchased. If the one I have is working as designed, I guess I just live with it. Thanks for looking into this for me. Ratt
  4. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    As shiv has indeed found this to be working as intended, I will now close the thread.

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