Lag So Much

Discussion in 'Help' started by ʍɪɩʌɴʍɛɩɪɴɒɵ, May 6, 2017.

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  1. ʍɪɩʌɴʍɛɩɪɴɒɵ

    ʍɪɩʌɴʍɛɩɪɴɒɵ Forum Greenhorn

    Hey admin, i play in global asia 1, and the game lag so much and when i play in global europe 1 and no lag in same time. please fix the server asia 1. thank you
  2. Hello,

    As the servers run on completely different times, the instances in which one server experiences lag may not be the case for a different server. Example, I was playing on the America server during the daytime when it had no lag while also playing on global europe. Which was lagging horribly.

    I'd just recommend being patient and allowing them time to scan their codes, and just alternating between the servers in the meantime
  3. ʍɪɩʌɴʍɛɩɪɴɒɵ

    ʍɪɩʌɴʍɛɩɪɴɒɵ Forum Greenhorn

    yeah bro i already do it, and i tell to this forum hope the IT can fix this problem, because this lag not only on my account, but also on my friends, maybe the others too :)
  4. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Your feedback has been forwarded. Thank you for taking time out to post.
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