
Discussion in 'Help' started by {Lightening}, Jan 17, 2014.

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  1. {Lightening}

    {Lightening} Forum Apprentice

    this lag in this game is now getting ridiculous, i have a very new pc, i7 and a quad core processor so i know it is not my computer, i clear my cache everytime i turn on my computer. i do not pay for pearls and my premium membership to lag around the maps. sort it

    TEX~BULL User

    Please remember that the connection depends on several factors.

    YOUR Connection towards your ISP

    -> This is also related to the information which runs from your computer, to the flash client of Seafight.
    -> It also determines how the information of the flash client is processed.

    The connection between your ISP to our server farm

    -> This is another factor which could result in lag, if your ISP is having technical problems.

    Please be aware that concurrent traffic on your computer, may clutter your connection as well.

    - Streaming Media
    - Concurrent Downloads
    - Firewalls
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