Latest Voucher Code ROADTOTHECUP2024

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by Carnage~Queen, Jun 14, 2024.

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  1. Carnage~Queen

    Carnage~Queen Advanced

    Thanks for the Voucher Code for the present Event - Pirate Cup Legacy - ROADTOTHECUP2024 but unfortunately it does'nt work!
    Have done all the usuals f5, restart computer system, cleared cache etc

    I look forward to a speedy rectification and hope the present unfortunate lag problem is concluded as well.
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Carnage~Queen!

    This code doesn't work because it expired 4 days ago...

    There is a new one for this event ->

  3. Carnage~Queen

    Carnage~Queen Advanced

    Thanks Rymar - it only just been published as the code entered on my enquiry was what came up this morning!
    thanks agin
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Since there are no further questions I will close this thread.

    Happy Sailing!


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