League of Captains Milestone 3 Feedback

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Swift, Dec 8, 2021.

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  1. Damnsarge

    Damnsarge Someday Author

    I really like the direction this is going and the system seems to be working without much problems (bugs) which is refreshing. I also agree a filtering option would be great for captains and equipment. Maybe something like with the gemstones?
  2. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I just briefly went through the mountain of changes to the League of Captains. I thought that this whole L.O.C. concept was conceived to give honest players a chance to finish quests using a Bigpoint-approved "bot" as sort of a "gift" against the illegal botters. (Although the illegal players would now have both advantages). So do I understand this correctly? (And i am just asking in this post, not complaining). Instead of what we previously had: Captains doing various quests and Bonus Maps for free (unless you wanted a Bonus Map accelerated), and instead of just getting one change - adding more Bonus Maps they could do - we now have this system that makes money for Bigpoint off the original free concept, and now it is no longer free? I only ask this to be certain I understand. If this is the case, then I will just return to the pre-L.O.C. days when I did all quests and Bonus Maps myself. Thanks for your time and help.
    -PUSAT- and Bawdyn like this.
  3. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    No, you are given two free Starter Captains, you can then send these to do Daily Quests and Bonus Maps for free as you would previously. As you do this, they will also gain Experience Points, allowing you to promote them later if you so choose.

  4. Whatever

    Whatever Forum Apprentice

    Quick question: Do i really need only 1 perk on a captain in order to send him on a mission that "requires" multiple? Or do i need all required ones?
  5. Maceel

    Maceel Active Author

    cap. Eva Winston not available she is grey and I cannot select her, why is that ?
  6. Maceel

    Maceel Active Author

    Yes, you need to have multiple perks in order to send cap to quest with multiple once.
  7. snacking

    snacking Forum Greenhorn

    Pleasr read the faq before answering. you only need one of the perks listed for the missions to be able to sent your captain (+ the correct rank and enough vitality) havibg multiples perks listed on the mission allow you to gain chances to have multiple items in the "potential rewards)
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2021
  8. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight

    As mentioned, you only need 1 of the Perks to be able to send a Captain on a mission. The more matching perks you have, the more "Lucky" items you could receive - if you are lucky.
    Could I please have your Server and ID to look into this issue?

  9. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Thank you very much for this information. In order for a Captain to regain the "Vitality" he/she needs to exceed the "Risks" of a particular quest so I can send them out again, could you tell me how do you do that, and does that cost money?
  10. abah2

    abah2 Active Author

    You gain vitality by being inactive for a while until your vitality value replenishes. I think someone said it was 1 point for every 2 minutes of inactivity. You can keep going on missions until you deplete your vitality below the risk factor. You might want to set up different captains for different missions. A captain with a high reputation value gets you more loot on your mission - while a high vitality lets you go out on more missions until it's depleted.
    The*Defiant likes this.
  11. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Excellent explanation! Thank you so much mate!:)
  12. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I am just trying to get back to where the old version of the L.O.C. was (where they did a select number of quests free). Therefore, with this goal in mind: how does one add a new ability/perk to a Captain? For example: I have only one who is a "Commonwealth Privateer". How do i pick another Captain and add that same "Commonwealth Privateer" ability/perk to him? (Or is this something in the works?) <--I thought I read this in the mountain of information on this new system.
    -PUSAT- likes this.
  13. lude1962

    lude1962 Forum Duke

    On the old LOC you culd do 2 bonus maps now you cant
    the new system is a shameless money grab using the scam 'loot box' method
    -PUSAT- and The*Defiant like this.
  14. timarpaul1

    timarpaul1 Forum Pro

    and u didnt expect to that from BP?
  15. Maceel

    Maceel Active Author

    Would there be a way to get captain chests beside money packages ?
    The*Defiant likes this.
  16. Chounay

    Chounay Forum Apprentice

    I love this idea, but here is some problem

    1 : when you want to mount your captain, you need a special jewel according to his rank (green, blue, etc.). the problem is that you do not win any or otherwise you have to open a safe and even with that, you are not sure to have the jewels corresponding to the color you need. currently me and other players have managed to put captains in green but we find ourselves stuck with other captain because we don't have the jewels to make it progress. even after modifying the material as indicated in your FAQ. impossible to have a catalyst.

    2 : chance to transfer skills to another. even with a catalyst. luck zeros. ten captains used to make the transfer with or without catalyst.my success is a ( I admit I bought a pack to try :p).

    3 : forge for equipment. with or without catalyst the success rate to make it progress and almost zero.generally it loses its value.even if he changes rank.

    4 : get chests. currently only share purchase except two pearl chests. I hope that will change.

    I'm sorry if my handwriting is bad. I use a translator to make me listen. because on your forum, you are very active and give information to the developer.on my forum we still do not have the FAQ for this new captains league. or not much information on it.I hope that this feedback will be transmitted for a better evolution of the games.

    conclusion : a lot of people will end up with several captain of rand zeros and will never be able to make them progress. review the system or the percentage of skill transfers. otherwise the best solution which will take a long time. have about 23 captains with different skills. but who will remain level 10 at the zeros rank :D.

    Thank you
  17. Re1n1er

    Re1n1er Forum Apprentice

    for the 3th time since the new captain league the mission doesn't work well, you sent them on mission but then something happens, so that the time is gone and it doesn't complete anymore. the only thing that works is to recall but then you lose all the prices.
  18. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Expert

    Is it me, or the system, i have to log in and out many times to get my captains to work,Bp why on earth would you mess a good thing up,lord only knows, my 12 and 16 can help if you cant figure it out........Just sayin
    The*Defiant likes this.
  19. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight

    When empowering a Captain with another, there is a chance to transfer the perk to your target Captain, as long as the requirements have been met (listed in the FAQ under the Empower heading).

    You can get further Captains with Perks by opening Captains Chests.

    Thank you for your feedback.

    This is a new feature, fear not Captain's Chests will be incorporated into other features of the game and rewarded as time goes on. Please remember this is a long term feature. And of course, with each Captain's Chest you open you have the opportunity to receive a captain with a perk.
    This issue is caused by the Mission Pool changing at the time your Captain is doing the mission, this has been reported and is on the list to be fixed.

    You do not need to recall your captain, although you are not being displayed the time, you will still be able to Redeem the Reward at the same time as normal - you will get your rewards and Captain EXP.

    This issue has also been reported and on the list to be fixed, thank you for reporting!

  20. Mav®o-GR

    Mav®o-GR Active Author

    is there any other way to increased perk transfer chanse exept of using potions?
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2021
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