Announcement League of Captains Milestone 3 Preparations

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Swift, Dec 2, 2021.

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  1. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight

    League of Captains Milestone 3 Preparations

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Milestone 3 of the League of Captains is currently in the
    Open Beta phase and shall be released soon.

    Before it can be released, we will deactivate the current League of Captains, which will happen tomorrow at 10 am (local server time).

    That means after 10 am the League of Captain will be deactivated and Captains can´t be sent out anymore nor rewards collected.

    We will book all pending rewards (from jobs which end after 10 am) on Monday, so no rewards will be lost.

    Your Seafight Team
  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Unfortunately there are still some translations we need to sort.

    This will mean, we have to delay the release to tomorrow, if all goes well.