Legba's Luck

Discussion in 'Help' started by unknownhunter, Feb 27, 2015.

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  1. unknownhunter

    unknownhunter Advanced

    get X% more pearls from glitters/treasure chests.
    Was wondering if it meant x% more booty frmo every chest because we all know it is not possible to find any pearls in chest or if it is just a way to make us think we will get more reward.
  2. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    That means you just get more pearls.
  3. unknownhunter

    unknownhunter Advanced

    So it has nothing to do with chessts... i see....
    I'd have another question on a topic completely different do i need to open a new thread or can i use this one?
  4. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    You may use this thread :)
  5. unknownhunter

    unknownhunter Advanced

    ok thanks....
    I'd like to know if the gem power depends on the elite level.
    When i buy a design in the black market it says 14% cannon damage, does this mean it 14% for everyone or if i am elite 27 the bonus is higher as it used to be with the skins years ago? I'm sorry if i am not clear.
  6. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    The elite level is seperate to the gems.

    For example if you have a gem giving you 14% cannon damage, you can expect 14% damage.

    But if you also have 27 elite levels, then you will also have an added 3% which is a seperate add on, taking your damage up to 17%

    If you were to take the gem away, you would have 3% damage.

    Has this helped? :)
  7. unknownhunter

    unknownhunter Advanced

    so if i understood correctly being elite 27 gives me a 3% boost on damage independtly on what skin/gem i am using right?
  8. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker

    Yes, that is correct.
  9. unknownhunter

    unknownhunter Advanced

    thank you for the fast answers u can close.
  10. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker

    No problem :)

    As per OP's request, I shall close.

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