Level 25?!?

Discussion in 'Help' started by †sunami, Mar 23, 2014.

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  1. †sunami

    †sunami Someday Author

    I have seen there are players who have gotten above level 20
    someone said they are just buying the tests with pearls...

    I guess my question is, is this intended, will the levels be set back to 20, and I dont really know i just would like to see some sort of explanation about this because I am confused
  2. Probably a glitch having to do with quests being brought back in even if you've already done them, this is probably intended or they would've fixed it by now, we can only speculate though since there's been no official announcement.
  3. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    It's not true m8, it's basically a display error as there is no level 21 or above level tests to buy.
  4. †sunami

    †sunami Someday Author

    Thanks for the info
  5. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    You are welcome.

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