level 29 pirate test - VCMA Revenge II

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Alvaro*, Jul 1, 2017.

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  1. Alvaro*

    Alvaro* Forum Apprentice

    The level 29 pirate test needs to be rethought. It's hard enough because of the Admirais Revenge II and few of us have several hours to be ahead of the computer to play seafight.
    I have spent several days, destroying the npcs Rename II and see if it is born, but does not show up and it is quite fruitful to spend months on it.

    One suggestion would be to do as the Admiral Valentia which is born every 4 hours on the 23/1 map.
  2. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    This test has already been made easier!

    Originally, a requirement was to board the Revenge II, and to get the item off of this NPC which was only a 20% drop chance.

    Now, it has been made easier so it does not need to be boarded at all;
    • 20,000,000 Damage to the Revenge II
    • 1x Commonwealth Writ (chance to get from boarding has been increased, and now you have the chance to get it from last shot and most damage too).

    In the old version of the test, I know some players who had to board the Revenge II 15 times before finally getting the item, now it normally takes 2-3 attempts. This test has been made a lot easier believe me.

    One thing I do agree on, is that the 500 Renown II's should be reduced to 300 to be in line with the other admiral spawn requirements in the 26-30 maps.

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