Quests: Level 3 - 4

Discussion in 'General FAQ's' started by Seren, Dec 2, 2013.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Quests: Level 3 - 4

    Know Your Place

    Start At: Knives McGhee (SH-1)



    Defeat 2 x Stinging Fluyt
    Return to the quest-giver Knives McGhee

    Where to find!?

    Stinging Fluyt found in map 3


    I knew you'd be back, Knives McGhee is always right about these things and I certainly think I made attachments to the right Cap'n. As I think me and you will work proud together and while you gain experience, I shall teach you more about these seas. First you should make some coin sinking some merchants. Then I'll tell you about the Inya!

    End At: Knives McGhee (SH-1)



    1,200 Experience Points
    200 Crystals

    1 Pirate Protection
    25 000 Explosive Ammunition

    The First Ones

    Start At: Knives McGhee (SH-1)



    Defeat 2 x Trankus
    Return to the quest-giver Knives McGhee

    Where to find!?

    Trankus found in maps 1 and 2


    'Tis said the first-ones, well the first humans, were called the Inya. A tribal people, who served through their faith in the magic that entwines this world. Spiritual at first, but slowly controlling their power as they grew, quickly developing as a society. I has a recipe for their shark-fin soup, so I'll cook you a batch if you get the ingredients.

    End At: Knives McGhee (SH-1)



    1,200 Experience Points
    50,000 Pearls

    1 Pirate Protection
    10 000 Flare Ammunition

    Marks on the Ocean

    Start At: Knives McGhee (SH-1)



    Sail to coordinates
    Return to the quest-giver Knives McGhee


    When they disappeared, as the Mealstorm descended, it was said the trails of their ships were left upon the ocean. As if a guide to their ancient paths and leading to their secret sites, for those clever enough to manage to track them. I have seen many captains attempt the task, but perhaps you're the one to succeed. Do you wish to try?

    End At: Knives McGhee (SH-1)



    1,200 Experience Points
    1 Pirate Protection
    200 Mojo
    10 000 Explosive Ammunition
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