level 5 carpenter

Discussion in 'Help' started by *ÐεšŦɪηу*Gя., Sep 3, 2023.

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  1. *ÐεšŦɪηу*Gя.

    *ÐεšŦɪηу*Gя. Forum Greenhorn

    Since i receive premium from chest in eldorado in friday the days that i had level 5 carpenter were changed and now sychronized with my premium.
    I own him as i remember for about 190 days .
    Yesterday i receive the carpenter again from chest 2 times and the days count in my assistant overview...The time remaining that shows is my prem +the 2 times i receive him yesterday...
    So why the days i had him before that dont count?
    Can u check what happened maybe bug?
  2. .Kenze.

    .Kenze. Forum Commissioner

    I got also premium on one of my ships and suddenly sailmaker went from 35 days to only 11 days. Written support before about this issue. Now it happens again.o_O
    *ÐεšŦɪηу*Gя. likes this.
  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy *ÐεšŦɪηу*Gя.!

    Regarding crew member issue you have to contact Support as they will be able to look up everything for you.

    As you have been redirected to Support this thread should now be closed.


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