light of tortuga

Discussion in 'Help' started by ~turnip~, Jul 14, 2019.

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  1. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ Forum Duke

    I know that bigpoint reserves the right to pick and choose the stock on any given happy/mega happy hour but seriously, 3 mega happy hours and 3 happy hours and everything is in stock but light of tortuga and the only way to obtain them is either in chests or waiting for buccaneers bounty and hoping you're rich enough?

    C'mon, I know there's pocket warriors but not everyone is rich enough or can keep a running stock of them, especially with all the glitches that deactivate them and the legit methods that do the same, they get used like candy.

    Unless they're phasing them out or something, I would like to see them appear once in a while, i'm sure others would too.

    I'm dissapointed, not for the first time.

    However, on a brighter note, the addition of exp and elp boosters for yulong coins on the odd happy hour was an excellent addition in my choice. the exp is not as relevant but the elp booster will help to make the elp leagues more competitive for those who are able to compete the main places that arn't taken up by non legit playes.

    Let's get it trending... #giveusourlightsback :p
    krios1993 likes this.

    TEX~BULL User

    As you said, BP rotates what is available during MHH/HH but I will pass your suggestion along.

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