Light of tortuga

Discussion in 'Help' started by ~turnip~, Aug 25, 2019.

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  1. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ Forum Duke

    it's been about 11 weeks with no lights in the shop on happy, mega happy hours. it's clearly not a rotational thing as everything else is in there and it's clearly not a payment move as we've had buccaneers bounty and they've not been put back in.

    Could bigpoint please just give a damn about the players for 5 minutes and possibly make an official announcement about why they are currently not freely obtainable? I would have thought after 11 weeks they would at least owe us an explanation.
    The*Defiant likes this.
  2. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    What items are available during Happy Hours or Mega Happy Hours are not guaranteed. These items may change, and items may not be available for long periods of time.

    We will forward your request, however, we can not guarantee that these will be back soon.

    I recommend that when these items are available, stock up for the possible eventuality that these may not be available in the next HH/MHH.

  3. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ Forum Duke

    same answer then so take that as bigpoint are not gonna give a damn about the players yet and explain why theyre seemingly phasing them out. and you're telling others that you value honest players. if you truly do value then stop sending feedback and just press them for an answer or at least an explanation. preset answers are just boring
  4. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I respectfully ask: How do we "stock up" when they haven't had them in the in-game shop for almost 3 months?

    TEX~BULL User

    Again, I am just going to remind the community that the forum team don't decide what appears in the market. Please have patience.

  6. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ Forum Duke

    all due respect tex, and you do a fabulous job, we've been told the same preset answers for 3 months. havn't got 100 pound for 100 lights and sure as hell don't have 70 pounds and 5k crowns for 100 lights. we know you forum moderators don't hve the answers, but we're tired of the preset answers. we now want the people who don't have the answers but do have the connections, to go to the people who do have the answers, and to get the answers. we would rather wait 6 months and have a solid answer than to wait 3 and be given the same preset answers every time we ask. please get them to do some sort of announcement to explain the situation as to why they are not readily available. or heck even just to state how long the "rotations" last so we have an idea s to when to expect them again.
    The*Defiant likes this.
  7. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I agree 100% with turnip's viewpoint and it is totally valid. I state 3 facts (1) I do not in *any way possible* blame the Moderators. (Tex - you know how well I think of the job you do). Fact (2): Veteran player turnip is hitting the root of a nerve that has long needed pressing. WE as players have spent thousands upon thousands playing this game and yet NEVER do we get a reply from someone who works in the "Ivory Tower". Why is this?? I have always been both puzzled and irritated by this constant "wall of secrecy" between the decision makers and the players. Fact (3): Sudden changes like this to the Light of Tortuga make me wonder. I want to know if Seafight is ending next year? Adobe Flash Player is permanently leaving the marketplace, and we all know Seafight is a flash-dependent game. Am I really supposed to believe that the programmers are going to rebuild this game in HTML5? It is time for Bigpoint management to step up to the plate and answer us. Otherwise, I will vote with my cash a big "No". So maybe at the least you could forward our concerns. I personally would appreciate it Tex. Thank you. P.S. Three months is a heck of a long time to have patience.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2019
    ~turnip~ likes this.
  8. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    You are waiting for an answer that has already been provided. There is no specific reason Lights of Tortuga are not available and they are not being phased out of the game.

    As already stated, the contents of a HH and MHH can and do change. Sometimes you will see Admiral Cannons, Shrapnel Ammunition, Snowmen, Pumpkin Powers, etc etc, other times you will not.

    There has never been nor will there be a definitive list of items that are available during these times, and it was never stated that any item would always be available. In fact, it has always been stated that the items available can and do change, and may not be available for long periods.

    In regards to some other comments in here, I shall address them quickly and briefly. The forum and player feedback is read by various people who work at Bigpoint; you can see this for yourself as Community Managers have answered some technical questions previously (very recently in fact). There are no current plans for the development of Seafight to end, and procedures are being worked on and implemented for the Flash issue.

    However, as this is not a discussion thread, we have provided you with the answer, this thread shall now be closed. To continue to post the same question multiple times will not change this answer.

    You are more than welcome suggest Lights of Tortuga be added into an upcoming HH/MHH, or even to be gained in a different way, in the Idea Pool and Suggestions section of the forum.

    Happy Sailing!

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