Bug Login counter for ranking points/badge part 2

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by lude1962, Oct 1, 2024 at 1:25 PM.

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  1. lude1962

    lude1962 Forum Duke

    Thank you Rymar for the 'cut & paste' of the login streak process, as a regular poster I am aware of the constraints placed on you ' there are no bugs, all systems working as designed, if in doubt refer to support'.

    The problem is that support are also not allowed to deviate from the company hymnbook.
    The added problem being they are not allowed to investigate whether a bug exists or not,
    'The whole login streak system was reviewed and no issue has been found. Everything works as intended.' - there is a problem you are in denial!
    'We have to stick to our internal rules and guidelines when dealing with our customers’ inquiries;' - internal rules being they cant investigate bugs, throw up a wall of silence, close the case.
    Please pass this feed back to the powers that be, though I wont hold my breath as to any changes being made.
    Dream~Crusher and Loki162 like this.
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy lude1962!

    It has been stated in multiple places (discord, forum, chat) that the login streak require both sea chart and home page to be turned off and on completely in order to obtain +1 on your login bit, if you will miss it even for 1 second then it will go back down to 0 and you will have to start over again.

    If Support stated that there is no issue with the login streak then there is no issue at all.

    We as moderators are forwarding all feedback from all fields - yes this include potential bug reports - but since Support couldn't help you I am not able to do anything as well

    As there is nothing I can assist with this thread will be closed.


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