looks like... A crystal BUG

Discussion in 'Help' started by Perdidos, Mar 11, 2014.

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  1. Perdidos

    Perdidos Forum Apprentice

  2. soljaboy

    soljaboy Regular

    hi bro in order for the seafight team to better help you it would be best to actually describe the issue and explain because all i see here is theres a bug and a link to the seafight bible it does not actually explain or mention what type of bug there is.
  3. Perdidos

    Perdidos Forum Apprentice

    It means that, we stop receiving the crystals from the NPCs from long time now... they need to put it back in the game so we start getting crystals again.

    better this way? :)
  4. stactic

    stactic Forum Duke

    Dont think its a bug, but it should be reimplemented definetly.
  5. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    This is the way the crystal drop is designed, players are still getting cystals tho they are rare.

    As there is not technical issue here.

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