Discussion in 'Help' started by -VΞΞŘǤỮŁΔΔĦ, Dec 20, 2013.

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    -VΞΞŘǤỮŁΔΔĦ Forum Greenhorn

    Olá estou com um problema para entras no servidor us2 clicor para entrar ao jogo e aparece LOST CONNECTION quero muito jogar mas não estou conseguindo me ajudem por favor .

    ENGLISH : Hello I have a problem for you get into the server us2 I click to enter the game and LOST CONNECTION appears really want to play but I can not help please.

    User ID:
  2. albanezi

    albanezi Forum Greenhorn

    u get this error because when the tab of restart server appears try 30 min later and u join to game

    -VΞΞŘǤỮŁΔΔĦ Forum Greenhorn

    It's been two hours already wiped my face historic cache cookies and all.
    GoHard™ likes this.
  4. GoHard™

    GoHard™ Forum Greenhorn

    Same problem here .
  5. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mates,

    They are currently working as fast as they can to get the server working. Please be patient. They are working on it right now. Thank you.
    GoHard™ likes this.
  6. GoHard™

    GoHard™ Forum Greenhorn

    Thanks i tought the problem was from thats why, thanks again.
  7. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    You're welcome mate.

    I will close this thread as nothing new can be added.

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