Discussion in 'Help' started by LarryMossFBI, Jan 22, 2015.

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  1. LarryMossFBI

    LarryMossFBI Padavan

    when going on seachart it stops after 49% and says LOST CONNECTION!

  2. {Chum*Crazy}

    {Chum*Crazy} Forum Apprentice

    East Coast Server having problems too is there a restart?

    GPMONSTER Forum Veteran

    restart coming about ten min
  4. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mates,

    This is due to server restarts. Please be patient, you should be able to access the servers again soon.
  5. LarryMossFBI

    LarryMossFBI Padavan

    hmm whats the restart for? just a bit annoyed.. got home from work and want to play.. but nope;*( theres a damn restart....
  6. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    We are not always told when or why restarts occur. Right now, the current reason has not been told to us. You should have access again soon. They do not usually last too long.
  7. LarryMossFBI

    LarryMossFBI Padavan

    `K mate, ty
  8. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    You're very welcome mate. :)

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