lost design after restart

Discussion in 'Help' started by hageliini, Sep 6, 2017.

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  1. hageliini

    hageliini Forum Apprentice

    I have lost design ''Fire Monkey'' after restart and can't find it on my designs It had level 18-19 gems
  2. Charlsberg1

    Charlsberg1 Forum Greenhorn

    I also lost one of my designs...
  3. *~Dman71~*

    *~Dman71~* Forum Apprentice

    same here my main one with all my high gems
  4. Deloops

    Deloops User

    Ahoy pirates,

    the designs are still there, but are currently invisible. The developers are awere of the issue, and are already working on resolving it.
    We aplogize for any inconvenience this has caused you.
  5. *~Dman71~*

    *~Dman71~* Forum Apprentice

    how long is this going to take
  6. hageliini

    hageliini Forum Apprentice

    this day is gone because too much problems
  7. hageliini

    hageliini Forum Apprentice

    it's my capture ship and the 5 Revenge gone already
  8. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    As this has been resolved this post will be closed.

    If you are still experiencing missing designs please contact our support team.

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