Lost Gems

Discussion in 'Help' started by briggs25, Feb 14, 2015.

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  1. briggs25

    briggs25 Forum Greenhorn

    i had a gem for +15% damage and 1 for plus 75K hp I had them on my soul noble design until just now when I decided to change my design to another but when I took them off my soul noble and went to put them on my Columbus they was gone

    user id: 22044084
  2. dragon0760

    dragon0760 Forum Inhabitant

    I have had this happen to me on occasions try coming out of the gem cutter and going back in, this usually resolves the issue and the gems have re-appeared, it also works if the gemcutter says 15.5% instead of 25%.
  3. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Gems do not fall from an account. If you no longer have the a particular gem, this is because you have either moved it to another design or have over written it when making changes.

    However as dragon states, maybe a log in log out could resolve your problem.
  4. briggs25

    briggs25 Forum Greenhorn

    so you are basically saying it looks like I've deleted my best gems :/
  5. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    If they are no longer on your account, or any of your designs then yes this would be the case.
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