LV 25 to 26 test not fare at all

Discussion in 'Idea Pool & Suggestions' started by ŖΥOÜ~, Jun 21, 2024.

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  1. ŖΥOÜ~

    ŖΥOÜ~ Someday Author

    LV 25 to 26 test not fare at all plz think of changing it i have been stuck on it have tryd to do it i get sunk by all i am 1 man guild no way i can do it just not fare at all
    HALIMAW likes this.
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy ŖΥOÜ~!

    Thank you for your feedback, this was forwarded already however I will mention this to our developers once again.

    ŖΥOÜ~ likes this.
  3. ŖΥOÜ~

    ŖΥOÜ~ Someday Author

    thank you much m8
  4. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum Ambassador

    It used to be worse, 10 times worse. You had to get 100 million against the fleet ship. I sat at level 25 for years (since back when we had only one quest slot) and only managed to get it a couple of months ago when they changed it.
  5. ŖΥOÜ~

    ŖΥOÜ~ Someday Author

    yep been at 25 LV for a long time but even now i cant get it dun lol call fleet try two get the keel but just get sunk like a punk lol
  6. ●ǺLIککØп-BЯ¹●

    ●ǺLIککØп-BЯ¹● Forum Apprentice

    send it as a guild neautral fleet or a guild fleet against a small island and just shoot kheel hauler have few people rep u if needed but u shud be able to do enough damdge to do quest
  7. darksailrevenge

    darksailrevenge Someday Author

    and use shell shock or bloodfyre does more damage against towers
  8. lude1962

    lude1962 Forum Duke

    There were 2 problems to this quest that I reported
    a) the amount of crowns needed and the time needed to accumulate enough crowns to send fleets
    b) the amount of damage needed

    In their typical fashion game design ignored point a, and reduced damage to 10m for point b. Point a is more important. Also it is supposed to be a pirate test not a guild test.
  9. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy lude1962!

    The price changed as well... price for fleet depends on the region (where the fleet sender is located), so you may pay in pearls / crowns / safanad / yulong coins.

  10. ŖΥOÜ~

    ŖΥOÜ~ Someday Author

    cost me 2+ mil and got sunk be for i could get a shoot of ben playing this game for 16 yrs i dont have help with any thing at all this is set up for help from your m8s not for 1 doing it and is there any other test like this if this ship was on the water all the time i could do 100mil dam but its NOT and that *EDIT* but even 10mil i wont try any more not much fun wen you cant move up 50 map and i have ben 25 for yrs not right and i love this game lol thanks BP
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 25, 2024
    babenewport likes this.
  11. lude1962

    lude1962 Forum Duke

    Still fatally flawed, a lvl25 can't reach the regions to pay using yulongs or safanad.
    So called game design (any qualifications to back this claim up?) have actually made things worse as monroe is rarely in the lower maps.
  12. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    As mentioned previously we will forward your feedback, @lude1962 you can still hire a fleet from lower maps once the fleet giver spawn there.

    Since there is nothing else to add to this thread I will now close.


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