Lvl 5 carp Missing

Discussion in 'Help' started by Dasblaze, May 19, 2014.

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  1. Dasblaze

    Dasblaze Forum Greenhorn


    My level 5 rep man/carp doesn't seem to be on my ship now i understood we got him for 1 day but as long as we had prem we got to keep him, as i'm aware i still have 49 days prem left . So could you please explain to me what has happened . i'm not sure when he left my ship as well as I've been inactive for a few days

    If Needed i can find my old post for the request and link it in.

    User ID

  2. водкин

    водкин Forum Apprentice

    me too lvl 5 carp is miss. it is a problem with that...
  3. Dasblaze

    Dasblaze Forum Greenhorn

    Issue is sorted Feel free to Close it seems you have decided to create a 1DAYCARPENTER voucher code which worked but it would have been nice to know that those who messaged in to get would lose it for it to be reactivated using the code even tho you already sorted it before..
  4. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Due to the amount of players writing in regarding the level 5 carpenter this has been reviewed and a script will be run to issue this to all players that are missing it.
  5. dutchmon

    dutchmon Forum Apprentice

    And if I may ask, just when is this script going to be run to get my lvl 5 carpenter back to me and other players that have lost it? Judging from what I've been reading and hearing this is a major problem and has really affected my ability to play effectively.
  6. dutchmon

    dutchmon Forum Apprentice

    Ok Shiver ye want to pass this along to other seafighters that have the same problem I have. I was discussing it with one of my members and he asked if I entered the voucher code for the carpenter and I said NO. I already had the carpenter. He called me a Noob and told me to enter '1DAYCARPENTER' in the redeem voucher in the market cove. Well blow me scuppers it worked! I have my carpenter back. I hope this helps ye out along with other members.
  7. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Glad you were able to sort this out mate :)

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