majoy lag

Discussion in 'Help' started by RABBIT™, Apr 9, 2014.

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  1. RABBIT™

    RABBIT™ Junior Expert

    Since support has failed me yet again and I am still waiting for a response, I will post my message here.

    this is a chronological order of what I did and what has been happening.

    the following has been tried using the following browsers:
    1. Chrome
    2. Internet Explorer
    3. Firefox

    a. open browser and log into game
    b. log onto water.
    c. sail for 3 seconds
    d. game freezes for 10 seconds
    e. sail for a few seconds more
    f. game freezes for another time
    g. log off water and game
    h. clear cache
    i. log into game and wate
    j. repeat steps c through h.
    k. log off water and game
    l. update flashplayer and reboot computer
    m. open browser, log into game and water
    n. repeat steps c through h.
    o. log off water and game.
    p. clear cache
    q. clear cache
    r. close browser
    s. open browser
    t. clear cache
    u. log onto water and game
    v. repeat steps c through h.
    w. get frustrated.
    x. log off
    y. send message to support
    z. wait....
    aa. wait...
    ab. repeat entire process above
    ac. write this message.
    Kurabiye likes this.
  2. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    I am sorry but as you have already contacted support you will have to wait for their reply.

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