Making Your Gaming Experience Better

Discussion in 'General FAQ's' started by Seren, Oct 28, 2014.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Making Your Gaming Experience Better

    What are the recommended minimum requirements?

    RAM: 128MB
    Video Card RAM: 16MB
    Keyboard and Mouse: Supported
    Processor: Pentium 3 - 1GHz or better
    Flash Version: 9.0
    Operating System: Windows XP or Vista

    What do I need in order to play a browser game?

    In order to play a browser game, all you need is a normal computer with Internet access. Once you're online, just open an Internet browser, such as Internet Explore and Firefox, look for your game, log in and start playing. There's no need to download or install expensive software or use a console.

    What is a browser?

    The browser is a program that allows you to access the Internet. The most popular browsers out there are Internet Explorer and Firefox. There are also other browsers available such as Chrome, Opera and Safari.

    What are cookies?

    Cookies represent information which is saved onto your computer. So that websites can work, you must accept and download cookies first. You usually have to install a cookie ahead of time in order to get your browser to work. If you don't have to to do this, you can also just change your browser's settings.

    What is Java script?

    Java script is required sometimes in order to play our games and use the website properly. This will only work however if you allow your browser to execute these functions locally. Usually your browser is configured to do this automatically.

    What is Flash?

    Many browser games are based on Flash. Flash plug-in is usually needed in order to run browser games, the cross-platform content such as graphics, computer animations and games on different browsers (e.g. Firefox, Internet Explorer) or operating systems (Windows XP, Vista, Linux, MacOS). Most plug-ins, usually Adobe Flash Player, are pre-installed into your browser. If it hasn't already been installed, you can download a Flash plug-in here: Download Flash Player

    Why do I need a Flash Player?

    The Flash Player is an add-on program (plug-in) used in order to run The Flash Player creates an interface between the Flash program and the computer system being used and ensures that a program is capable of running on all systems with the Flash Player. Here are a few links will help your gaming performance.

    If you have all of these updated and installed you will have a much smoother game.

    Remember lag comes in many different forms, these will help yes but will not get rid of 100%.

    Flash Player Update
    Java Update

    *** Remember these help a lot if updated regularly.***
    Set up the Flash Player for optimum performance

    So that Seafight can run as smoothly as possible, please configure your flash player. To do this log into the game and open the Sea Chart. Make sure that you are in a PvE zone. Right click on the Sea Chart, in the Drop Down menu please click Settings. The symbol which the setup assistant opens at the start can vary for each player, so please click on the first symbol on the bottom with the left mouse button.

    Please make sure the box “Activate hardware acceleration” has been checked.

    Hardware acceleration allows the Flash Player to work directly with your graphics card so that images and movements will be shown more quickly and smoothly.

    Afterwards select the symbol with the “Folder”.

    This is where you set up the “local memory” which can be used by the Flash application on your computer.

    Drag the controller button on the regulator bar to unlimited. This ensures that all the necessary information for seafight can be saved quickly onto your computer. If your memory is set too low, there is a risk that the data transfer rate may be slowed down.

    The other settings do not apply to the game since they pertain to options for cameras and microphones which are not used in Seafight.

    Now confirm by clicking on “Close” and the settings will be saved on your computer.

    From time to time you should check to see if these options are still set correctly.

    Delete the Flash Player’s saved data

    It is recommended using at least a Pentium 4 with 2.33 GHz for a resolution of 852x420.
    Flash Player doesn’t only save data in your browser’s cache but it also saves some information on your hard drive. You should also delete this information on a regular basis to ensure that you are always using the latest version of Seafight.

    Dual core and quad core CPU's

    For this reason, it doesn’t really matter how many CPU cores the computer using the Flash Player has. And since it only runs on one core, only the performance of one core is available. The core is also used by other programs and the operating system in addition to the Flash Player. For this reason, the performance of the computer can easily be overestimated.

    Although the Flash Player usually runs on computers with dual core and quad core CPUs, it only ever uses one CPU core.

    Last edited by moderator: Sep 12, 2017
    *Sinister1* and djt182 like this.
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