Map of Forever

Discussion in 'Events FAQ’s' started by Rymar, Thursday at 3:01 PM.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Map of Forever

    The Map of Forever is a Portal Hub which gives players access to a a range of mini games and group maps, with very valuable prizes should you complete the Map of Forever!

    Accessing the Map of Forever

    In order to access the Map of Forever, you must have both the item "Key of Forever" and the "Temporal Energy" buff, both of these can be purchased from the in-game Shop.

    The Key of Forever, as shown below, is an item which you only need purchase once, and it will remain on your account permanently.

    The Temporal Energy however, as shown below, only lasts for 24 hours. Once it has expired you can purchase this item again from the in-game Shop.

    Once you have both of these items, you simply need to click the Key of Forever to start a 15 second countdown to enter the Map of Forever.

    This Key can be seen in the "Activate Items" menu.

    The Map of Forever

    Once you have accessed the Map of Forever you will find yourself in your own version of the map.

    You will find a large central island with the Quest Giver "Al-Akhir", as shown below, located at the bottom of this large island.

    Surrounding this large central island you will find six smaller islands, each with a Portal located on it.

    Each Portal allows the users to access a different mini game or group map:
    • Portal of Soul
      • Bloody Battle
    • Portal of Mind
      • Legendary Treasures
    • Portal of Space
      • Golem Gladitorium
    • Portal of Power
      • Phantom Labyrinth
    • Portal of Reality
      • Burning Desire
    • Portal of Time
      • Assault on Safe Haven
    To enter a Portal it is really rather simple; sit inside the blue teleport area next to the Portal you wish to enter, and then click the Portal.

    Only those sat inside the teleport area when the Portal is clicked will enter the map.

    You have 10 charges to successfully win for each of the Portals, this can be seen by an icon next to the Portal; the number visible inside the icon is how many charges you have remaining. If their is no icon, then you are unable to attempt that Portal.

    It costs 1 charge per player that enters, for example, if the Portal started with 10 charges and two players entered and failed, only 8 charges would be remaining.

    Once the Portal has been beaten, it will be unavailable to be completed again.

    Successfully completing a Portal will reward you with Pearls and one of the following special Jewels:

    • Jewel of Blood
    • Jewel of Fire
    • Jewel of Water
    • Jewel of Wealth
    • Jewel of Bone
    • Jewel of Speed
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    Inviting other Players to your Map of Forever

    Some of the Portals lead to Group Maps - what better way to conquer the map than with a group of player!

    You can invite up to 3 players into your map using the Mateys list. Firstly, you must be in your Map of Forever, then you simply search for the player you would like to invite in your Mateys list and press the "Invite player to Map" button as shown below.

    In order for them to be able to join however, they must meet the following requirements:
    • Must be in a Safe Haven
    • Must have at least 1 Crown
    Should they fail to meet the above criteria, then your "Invite player to Map" button will not be blue, but instead grey.

    Benefits of Inviting Players to the Map of Forever

    Having players join you in the Map of Forever allows you to get some much needed help to try and complete the Group Maps!

    All players who wish to enter a Group Map must all be located inside the teleporter when the Portal is clicked.

    Are you stuck on a mini game? Fret not! Players you invite can complete your mini games for you too!

    Any Portals that Players complete in your Map of Forever reward you with a Jewel, the same as if you completed it yourself, however, you will not receive the Pearls.

    What do these Players get from completing Portals for you I hear you ask. Well, not only do they get the Pearl reward, they get a Jewel Fragment for each Portal they complete - either on their own or part of a group.

    Jewel Fragments provide no benefits in the Map of Forever, what powers can be unleashed with just a fragment of a Jewel!

    However, should you speak to the quest giver "Al-Akhir" at the bottom of the large island in the Map of Forever, you can provide him with 10 Jewel Fragments and in return he will reward you with 1 random Jewel; the same you would receive should you complete a Portal.

    In order to help you with the Group Maps, all players who are in the Map of Forever can select a buff from Al-Akhir, the quest giver located at the bottom of the large central island.
    You can choose between the following quests, which will each provide a buff:
    • Power to Destroy:
      • Damage Dealer Buff
    • Power to Protect:
      • Tank Buff
    • Power to Heal:
      • Healer Buff
    Simply accept the quest you wish, then you can immediately redeem the quest at Al-Akhir, you do not have to complete any tasks.

    The buffs will remain on your boat while you are in the Map of Forever or the Group Maps, leaving these maps will remove the buff from your boat.

    You can not use the buffs in any other maps, including mini games and big portals.
    Big Portals

    Big Portals are additional Portals that can be opened once you have proven yourself worthy.

    Completing and competing in the Big Portals allows you the chance to receive some of the best rewards, including but not limited too; Pearls, Crowns, Booty Bags, Voodoo Cannons, Firestorm Cannons, Queen's Legacy, Virgo Hull, Capricorn Hull, Sagittarius Hull, Cancer Hull, Jolly Roger Legacy, Gemini Primus and Gemini Secundus.

    Only one Big Portal can be opened per Map of Forever.

    There are 6 possible Big Portals, the type you receive depends on which Jewels are on your boat and how many Jewels you have, for example if you have a Blood, Fire and Water Jewel, you may receive a different Big Portal than if you had Bone, Water, Wealth and Speed Jewels.

    The Big Portals and Maps are as follows:

    • Portal of Joy - Ghost Ship
    • Portal of Rhythm - Dread Crab
    • Portal of Dreams - Treasure Cove
    • Portal of Death - The Beholder
    • Portal of Elements - Dances of Death
    • Portal of Life – Joseph’s Altar
    Important: Once you have completed a Big Portal your Map of Forever is complete and you are unable to do any more Portals until it is reset!
    How to activate a Big Portal

    Big Portals can only be opened in your own Map of Forever and only by you. You first need at least 3 Jewels of any type (Jewel Fragments do not count towards this), you can see which Jewels you have by going to the Depot located in the Ship Overview menu.

    Once you meet the requirements when you speak to Al-Akhir you will be presented with at least one quest. The quest can be accepted and redeemed immediately, you do not have to complete any tasks.

    The quests and the Big Portal they provide are shown below:

    • Sound of the Past - Portal of Joy
    • Sound of Scissors - Portal of Rhythm
    • Sound of Crashing - Portal of Dreams
    • Sound of the Silence - Portal of Death
    • Sound of Gunfire - Portal of Elements
    • Sound of Coins - Portal of Life
    The quests that are visible depend on the type and amount of Jewels you have on your boat; not all quests will be visible.

    Once you have accepted the quest and redeemed it, a teleporter and a Big Portal will spawn with 5 charges.

    To enter the Big Portal, simply sit inside the teleporter and click the Big Portal.

    Any players you invite to your Map of Forever can enter the Big Portal with you too, they simply need to sit in the teleporter when the Big Portal is clicked.

    Important: Once you have completed a Big Portal your Map of Forever is complete and you are unable to do any more Portals until it is reset!
    Completed the Map of Forever

    You've completed the Map of Forever and wondering what you can do now?

    Worry not, the Map of Forever can be reset again by purchasing another Temporal Energy, although you do have to wait until your current one has expired.

    In the mean time, you can join a fellow pirates Map of Forever, complete Mini Games, Group Maps and Big Portals in their Map of Forever!

    There is no limit to the amount of pirates Maps of Forever you can join.
    Resetting the Map of Forever

    The Map of Forever is reset each time you receive the Temporal Energy. As this buff lasts for 24 hours, that means at minimum it will be 24 hours between resets.

    Once your Temporal Energy has expired, purchase another one from the in-game Shop and your Map of Forever will be reset:

    • Any Portals you had completed or ran out of charges for will be reset to 10 charges.
    • The Big Portal will be closed, meaning you will have to gather Jewels again to open one.
    • Any Jewels you had on your boat will be removed.
    Portal Information can be found either by clicking on the portal or via Loki (MoF NPC)