Suggestion Marauder Event

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by parazita, Mar 13, 2019.

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  1. parazita

    parazita Forum Apprentice

    Personally I absolutely positively love this event! However, I feel some changes can never hurt, so here is my suggestion.

    • I think that adding a battle point system to the Marauding Fleet NPC would be amazing for lower level boat who can not stand achance during fighting. something like 30-40 BP per ship like a sinking a player would. and this oculd be damage share.
    • I also think that adding that same design to the Primevil Marauder NPC but on a larger scale. something along the lines of 600 BP if shot 6% and is on a damage share for those players.
    • This system should be cut off for anyone above the battlepoint rank 15 (Chief Gunner) thus forcing the player to have to actually work the rest of the battle points to retrieve scrap ammo. And balancing so players with the means cannot “farm” battle points. Therefore allowing smaller players to progress against something that is indeed difficult for them to shoot. And still be required to fight.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2019
  2. 8luckyjack8

    8luckyjack8 Old Hand

    Great idea!
    parazita likes this.

    TEX~BULL User

    That is interesting. I will be sure to pass along in my report. Thank you for the suggestion..

    parazita likes this.
  4. parazita

    parazita Forum Apprentice

    Thank you very much!
  5. ●ǺLIککØп-BЯ¹●

    ●ǺLIککØп-BЯ¹● Forum Apprentice

    I think it defeats the purpose of the meaning "Battle Points" You get them from PVP play not shooting NPC's
    jokar_uae and TEX~BULL like this.

    TEX~BULL User

    Also a va
    also a valid point. I will add yours as well. Thank you.

  7. parazita

    parazita Forum Apprentice

    I agree with you, however at the rate this game is going the difficulty of being able to get battle points is as well. The marauder event has made many players I used to play with leave because it was impossible for them to play during these events. I will edit my suggestion to account for this though.

    TEX~BULL User

    Here's an idea that I haven't seen mentioned before. What if they could somehow break the event into divisions, and I will leave that to you to sort out as I am just suggesting a thought. But divisions based on your Battle Points ranking. Now if this was done the rewards would probably be lowered to account for more chances (divisions) eligible to win.

  9. parazita

    parazita Forum Apprentice

    Could you please further elaborate your idea on the “divisons” as this also seems worthy to be added to this suggestion, and I’d love to insert it into my original idea!
  10. TEX~BULL

    TEX~BULL User

    I was kinda leaving that to you but here is the idea.

    Breaking players into divisions according to what BP Rank they are. Like taking the first 5 ranks and making a divisions , then the next 10, ect.

    Hope this helps

  11. parazita

    parazita Forum Apprentice

    It does indeed, and I will dive further into this idea for sure!
  12. CSS_Shenandoah

    CSS_Shenandoah Forum Apprentice

    just get rid of marauder event. i can't stay on the water for more than a few minutes!
  13. -Neptune™

    -Neptune™ Forum Greenhorn

    @TEX~BULL I do like the thought of this " divisions" you speak of, on another note this would be a complicated system because not all players who have a high battle point rank necessarily like the fighting aspect of the game.. So maybe a division choosing system like the leauge with increasing rewards the higher of the division you belong too! :)
  14. TEX~BULL

    TEX~BULL User

    That is another interesting thought. Y'all two keep talking it out and lets try and get a cohesive plan that I can pass on. Good work -Neptune.

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