Marauder Hunt Event

Discussion in 'Help' started by MiniMeanie, Jun 2, 2019.

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  1. MiniMeanie

    MiniMeanie Padavan

    I noticed this on the FAQ for the Marauder Hunt Event

    During the event following event ships are on maps 5- 35. (It´s not extended to the new maps yet!)

    I and many others got to level 40 a fair few weeks and events ago, why then are there no events yet up there? I understand that the moderators only post the information that is given, as always my questions are for the decision makers. I would appreciate the question to be asked and the answer given from them as to why give us the option to level up, but then give us nothing to do up there when we get there?
  2. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    In my own personal opinion this is down to a few reasons. Firstly, however, each server is different and the amount of players that have achieved level 40 is vastly different depending on the server.

    There is simply not enough players that have reached them levels yet. We have had many situations before in the past where Events such as the Jolly Roger Event, where Freedoms have spawned in these maps where only a small amount of players can get to, which may not be sunk for hours - resulting in less spawning for that period.

    During some events we also have an admiral counter, which when the last NPC has been sunk, the admiral spawns in the map it was sunk. We have previously had the situation where the maximum level players "time" the spawn, which means the admiral always spawns in the highest level map possible - meaning the smaller players suffer when trying to gain rewards, complete quests, etc.

    New content will be added for those who have reached the higher levels, it will simply take a little bit of time however before Events are in them maps to ensure fairness for all players.

    I shall, of course, forward this information and feedback to the appropriate people however.

  3. MiniMeanie

    MiniMeanie Padavan

    Swift I get your point that it's your personal opinion and I appreciate your response and understand your reasoning.

    However, the levels are there, they have been there for a while, I put in the work and leveled up, if lazy pirates don't want to then that's up to them. But now during events I have to go down to the lower maps to take part in the event, when hitting admirals my rewards are less because of the amount of people hitting the event ships. My game experience is being worsened because of lazy pirates who wish to be complacent and not level up.

    The devs put the levels in, everyone in my alliance worked hard and leveled up and are now being penalised for that. There is nothing to do in the high levels yet. Please ask the devs not to wait until the whole server levels up before adding content to these maps because if that is the case there is no point adding new levels. Some players don't want to go above the 25 maps because it starts getting difficult.

    I realise that to go higher a fair bit of money has to be spent on the game, I spend that money, but it's turning into money wasted. I've always been an advocate for the smaller free playing player. I think that more event npc should be able to be hit with hollows, I think that some of the event npc/wrecks etc should pay out to the person that first hit in the lower maps to stop bigger ships going down and theiving all the rewards. By not adding content to the higher maps, you are forcing us to go to the lower maps and take rewards from players not as strong. Especially when minimum damage must be dealt to admirals, these weaker ships can't out damage us, they make nothing while using up their hard earned resources.

    I'd appreciate you feeding back to the devs my and my alliances dissatisfaction that event content is not being added to the whole of the game.

    Mini x
    Loki162 and .NICE. like this.

    TEX~BULL User

    Thank you for your feedback and we will definitely pass it to the dev team. As this the general questions section and not a discussion thread I will close now as the OP has responded to the reply.

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