Marauder Hunt Faqs

Discussion in 'Help' started by •†Ƒαѕт•λѕ•Ƒσcк•Ɓσ醕, Oct 10, 2023.

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  1. I want to let you guys know there is multiple mistakes in the Marauder Faqs.
    Here is a list of what i found:

    -All spawns are now up untill map 54 not 50.
    -Marauder ammo can't be used on Deepsea Marauder.
    -The tower damage quest is bugged you only need 1 hit on a tower and not the 25 mil damage.

    Best regards
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Thank you. Corrected. Forwarded.


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