merduk time

Discussion in 'Help' started by Bahaa, Jun 21, 2014.

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  1. Bahaa

    Bahaa Padavan

    is there any way to know merduk time because sometimes it's not on :00
  2. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    It's announced on the seachart with this spawns, however due to some restarts this time changes so I cannot confirm this time for you.
  3. Bahaa

    Bahaa Padavan

    and when it change in restarts , it's not announced anywhere here in fours or something ?
  4. soljaboy

    soljaboy Regular

    usually duks spawn 30 seconds after the hour if theres a restart then marduks go to 30 seconds after the restart whatever that restart time is is when the marduks spawn example restart 13:45 marduk spawns 30 seconds later then at 14:45 15:45 and so on
  5. Bahaa

    Bahaa Padavan

    but some times there is no restart and i find merduk come out 14:16 not 14:00 , other times 14:06 ..

    KAHNVICT Forum Mogul

    it also has to do with when the last was killed...

    so if it is killed @ 13:16 you would not see the next till 14:16
  7. soljaboy

    soljaboy Regular

    thats not correct they spawn once per hour
    if 1 spawns at that time then people have been shooting notos if you shoot so many then a marduk spawns.
  8. Bahaa

    Bahaa Padavan

    can someone confirm this for me ?
  9. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    The additional marduks should not affect the original time of the spawn.
  10. Bahaa

    Bahaa Padavan

    but i think they do .. many times i wait :00 and no merduk
  11. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    As stated it's not always on the hour, due to some restarts.

    As this has now been fully answered.

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