Milestone 2 - Transmogrification System

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Seren, Jul 11, 2014.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Milestone 2 - Transmogrification System
    Ahoy Pirates,

    Milestone 2 of the Transmogrification System is almost ready to go livecurrently planned for Thursday 17th July !

    With milestone 2 you will notice the Safe Havens on the outside of the normal Sea Chart maps. Once you get onto the Safe Haven you can find the Gem Forge where you can see your ships and all of their stats, newly converted into Gems!

    Please be aware – it is important to remember to check the warning pop-ups carefully when they appear. With milestone 2 of the Transmogrification System you will be able to remove a Gem from one ship and put it into the inventory or directly into another ship so make sure you check everything through before you click to accept the changes! Once you have removed a Gem from a ship and accepted the changes, that ship will no longer have the same statistics.

    Even more critical – it is also possible to delete gems by overwriting them. Therefore, if you don’t want to lose any gems, you must first move the Gem you want to replace from the ship into the Inventory before putting a new Gem in its place!

    As the Gems are standard for all players no matter what Elite Level you are, we made a few alterations to the Elite Level system. Therefore, we introduced an Elite Level 0 so that players without any Elite Points would still get the basic ship stats from a new design. We have also slightly reworked the way the Elite Levels affect your ship stats. The Gems are exactly the same for all players and the following additional buffs will be applied to your ship depending on your Elite Level so that you have the same stats as before, or in some cases slightly improved stats:

    Elite level 4 and below: no bonus

    Elite level 5 – 14: +5,000 Hit Points, +5,000 Voodoo Points, +1% Cannon damage

    Elite level 15 – 24: +10,000 Hit Points, +10,000 Voodoo Points, +2% Cannon damage

    Elite level 25 and above: +15,000 Hit Points, +15,000 Voodoo Points, +3% Cannon damage

    Don't forget to tell us what you think in the discussion thread.

    Your Seafight team
  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    The sync for the Transmogrification milestone 2 has been postponed – the next planned live sync date is Tuesday of next week, 22nd July.

    Don't forget to tell us what you think, or any bugs you find in the discussion thread.

    your Seafight Team
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