Milestone 3 – Transmogrification System

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Seren, Aug 7, 2014.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Milestone 3 – Transmogrification System

    Ahoy Pirates,

    It is almost time for milestone 3 of the Transmogrification System to go live!

    With the release of milestone 3 you will notice something new on the Safe Haven maps – the Gem Cutter! When you visit the Gem Cutter you will finally be able to craft your current gems to create better, more powerful ones for gold or pearls depending on what level gem you are trying to craft.

    The way it works is quite simple – place 4 gems of the same level in the sockets and click on the green button in the middle. In order to be able to craft a new gem, all 4 sockets must be filled. If you place 4 gems of the same type (for example 4x level 13 (65,000 Hit Point) gems) in the 4 sockets you will have a 100% chance of forging 1x level 14 (70,000 Hit Point) gem. If you only have 3x 65,000 Hit Point gems and 1x other gem, you will have a 75% chance of creating a 70,000 Hit Point gem.

    The gem you craft will depend on the combination of gems you placed in the sockets.

    Please remmber Special gems cannot be crafted.

    You can also take a risk and only put 1x or 2x the gem you want to craft – however if you do this you will only have a 25% or 50% chance of getting the improved gem you want.

    Don’t forget - once you have crafted the gems, your 4 old gems will be destroyed and your new gem will be created!

    If you aren’t happy with the gem that you crafted you can re-roll but it will cost you some gold or pearls depending on what level gem you are trying to craft.

    Re-rolling doesn’t guarantee you will get the gem you want! You are able to re-roll 3 times at which point you will have to keep the gem you are left with.

    If all that wasn’t enough, you could also get very lucky and craft a gem which is 2 levels higher than the gem you intended to craft! The chance of being able to craft a gem that jumps a level decreases greatly as the gem level increases so that as you get to the very high level gems this phenomenon will be extremely rare indeed! Please note that you are not able to craft a gem level higher than the current allowed gem level.

    Please remember to place any comments and feedback in our Discussion Thread which can be found here.
    Your Seafight team
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