Milestone 4 – Transmogrification System

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Seren, Nov 10, 2014.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We are close approaching the 4th milestone of the Transmogrification System.

    Have you often wanted to know just how long your Queen’s Legacy will last? Or when you have to start worrying about the expiry date of all those Hit Point buffs you have on your ship? With milestone 4 you can!

    This is a milestone we know you will be very excited about as it has been a wish from you for some time. When milestone 4 goes live you will finally be able to see a full overview of all the buffs your ship currently has and exactly how long they are active for.

    In order to see your items with expiry dates, click on the Ship Equipment Screen in the client and you will see a new tab called “Booster”. Clicking here will show you the items with expiry dates you have on your ship listed by time – with the items nearing their expiration date shown first. Any item that is due to expire within the next 5 days will be highlighted. You can also sort the items in alphabetical order.

    As it is no longer necessary, we will remove the “Ship” sub-page from the “Shipyard” section of the website.

    With milestone 4 we will also add a ”Depot” tab in the Ship Equipment Screen. This will display all of your items which cannot be equipped, such as Chains, Chest Keys and Tickets. These items can also be sorted by amount as well as alphabetically.

    As the Chest Keys and Tickets will be displayed here, we will remove them from the Weapon’s Mate menu.

    We hope you will enjoy this new feature and we look forward to bringing you milestone 5 of the Transmogrification System in the not too distant future!

    Please use the discussion thread to make any comments or to give any feedback on this upgrade.

    Your Seafight team
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