Milestone 5 – Transmogrification System

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Seren, Jan 14, 2015.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Milestone 5 – Transmogrification System
    Ahoy Pirates,

    Milestone 5 of the Transmogrification System is currently planned for mid – late February. With the release of milestone 5 we will make what might appear to be a dramatic change – we will remove the decks and replace them with slots. The reason for this change is to simplify the way Cannons are stored on the ship as the current system is complicated and has always caused a lot of problems.

    After milestone 5 goes live you will be able to purchase up to 130 Weapon Slots (for Cannons) and 130 Expansion slots (for Beams). This system replaces the current mechanic where you can buy 10 Gold decks which can each be upgraded to Pearl and Crystal decks. Currently, the maximum amount of cannons you can fit on each deck is 13, therefore 130 slots equates to the same maximum amount you can have now.

    Please note: any decks you have will be converted into slots so that you won’t lose out. Don’t worry about your Mojo, Ebony and Ivory Decks – they won’t be removed! Instead they will be converted into subscriptions in the same way the King and Queen’s Legacies are (the Ivory deck will have an infinite lifetime as it is a permanent item). You will be able to see them under the “Booster” tab of the Ship Equipment Screen on the sea chart.

    Once milestone 5 is live, you will be able to see your slots directly on the sea chart. From the Ship Equipment Screen you will also be able to buy new slots, equip your cannons and save the set-up individually. You can purchase and name additional pre-sets for Gold and Pearls. With these pre-sets you can quickly change your cannon set-up to suit your gameplay. Pre-sets cannot be switched whilst you are in a fight.

    In addition to this deck change, we have improved the Sail mechanic to give you a better overview of your repaired and damaged sails. Therefore, after milestone 5 goes live you will be able to repair your Sails directly from the sea chart.

    Finally, we will introduce a function for the figureheads so that they too can be equipped and give you a boost on the sea. We will introduce three new figureheads as well as updating the two that are currently in the game. More details about them will be revealed nearer the time.

    Please use the discussion thread to give us your feedback and comments.

    Your Seafight team
    grahinho and abubadi66 like this.
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