Missing life

Discussion in 'Help' started by brwlf13, Feb 18, 2015.

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  1. brwlf13

    brwlf13 Forum Apprentice

    It seems that my life on sea fight, for the last three years, has been erased. It seems when everybody was banned and, as stated in the forum, the people that were taken out wrongly would be returned. This hasn't happened. I am just wondering when this happen. brwlf13
  2. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    What server? Also, is your account data removed (i.e. missing items). Or is it just missing from the hall of fame?
  3. brwlf13

    brwlf13 Forum Apprentice

    No items are missing that I see just totally removed from everywhere. Right now I should be number 3 or 4 in battle points. brwlf13 GA1 id number 36589960 Any other info you need?
  4. brwlf13

    brwlf13 Forum Apprentice

    Sorry GA2
  5. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    As you have contacted support with this query I shall close this post and leave it to support to answer.

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