Missing Puzzle Pieces

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Seren, Dec 23, 2015.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Missing Puzzle Pieces

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We know how much you are looking forward to your puzzle parts at the moment and how urgently you wish to obtain information on where they are.

    I can guarantee at this very moment, that every single puzzle part will find its way back into its corresponding account.

    Unfortunately, we are a bit understaffed at the moment due to the Christmas season and some cases of sickness. We are pushing for a quick solution.

    In the name of the entire Seafight team, I sincerely wish to apologise for the inconvenience. I know all too well how much you miss your hard earned puzzle parts, which is why we are pressing even more urgently for solving this case as fast as possible.

    The puzzle parts are not gone, they only need to be booked back. Unfortunately, due to the latest version problems, this may take a little while, but you will definitely have them back in your accounts far before this event´s ending.

    Your Seafight Team
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