Mixing 60 pound and Voodoo cannons

Discussion in 'Help' started by D.Jackson, Jan 30, 2014.

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  1. D.Jackson

    D.Jackson Forum Greenhorn

    This is a multi part question. . I would think Experienced input on the subject would really be appreciated by a lot of M8s.

    A) Can anyone tell me if we use a mix of (30) voodoo cannons with the level (3) voodoo priest along with (207) upgraded (60) pound level 3-4-or 5 cannons all the same level.

    Will the (30) voodoos effect the end result of the (60's) expected performance in a negative way?

    B) Now lets bring the voodoo deck into play: adding another 10 cannon. Would Admirals effect the 60's performance in any way? If we used them on this deck.

    C) How much would (10) straight non upgraded 60's on the voodoo deck effect the (207)?

    D) Do only non same upgraded 60's effect the 60's?

    I'm hopeful that we can utilize our voodoo's and save the cost on a few cannons?

    At around 9000 pearls that it takes to upgrade the 60 to level (5); plus the cost of the Admiral and crystals being right near another 9k to make the 60. If the Voodoos are usable; that would be a good thing. Otherwise what do we do with our investment in the voodoo's.

    They just become dead weight on our ships; you can't even dump them; not that we would want to. They don't come cheap.

    In anticipation Hopefully Yours
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2014
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  2. rattler1958

    rattler1958 Forum Inhabitant

    You will see better crit. hits with voodoos. even if you put all the same size cannons on all decks and your ship, it is never constant shoots. I guess its the game. Good luck...Ratt
  3. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    The buffs from all cannons are averaged out over all your cannons and decks. So, each cannon plays a little percentage in your damage, reload speed, crits, etc..... Does this help?
  4. No; could you please pass the question on for an expert answer? I think its something that I want to know for sure prior to finishing off my cannons.

    My understanding is that voodoos with the level (3) priest are actually 5% better than the 60's upgraded to level 5 which are 20%. That being true I would guess there would be no ill effect on the 60's but I just don't want to guess with the availability of upgrading the 60's being so few and far between.

    I'm hopeful that it will be coming very soon.

    If any of my thoughts are incorrect please correct me.

    If another opinion is available Please, if not, I understand your limitations.
  5. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Your thoughts are correct mate, but what I was saying in my previous post which is the correct answer, if you have 40 voodoo cannons, 30 admiral cannons, and 30 60lbers, then your 40 voodoo cannons will get the 10 or 15 dmg point bonus, but your other cannons will not. As for your question asking if having 30 voodoo cannons will take away from the effect of the 60lbers, it really depends what you're looking for in your cannons as far as effect goes. If you like the bonuses from the 60s better than the voodoo, yes it will take away to add the voodoos because the 30 voodoo cannons stats will average in with the rest of the 60lbers.

    Follow the link below for a calculator on cannon damage that we created:
    You can test out different setups and see the estimated damage with hollows, powders, etcs. It will give you a good idea of what you can do.

    The bottom line to your questions on how would it effect it by adding cannons:
    Each and every stat is averaged with all the other cannons and their stats on your ship. If you add stronger cannons, your stats will be boosted, even if only by the tiniest bit. The same goes for adding a weaker cannon.

    Has this helped?
  6. Absolutely and I saved the link.

    Thank you soooo much

    You can close you made a mate happy.
  7. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Glad to help ya mate:)

    ~closed ~
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