Moderators not professional

Discussion in 'Help' started by USS-Pennsylvania., Jan 26, 2014.

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  1. USS-Pennsylvania.

    USS-Pennsylvania. Forum Apprentice

    Since moderators are not professionals and friends of other on the severs. They are not informed of legal laws in the country that the game is in. They there for need to be removed and replaced by those who know the laws. Just because it is a game does not allow it under federal law to exclude that which chat is protected under constitutional law. They made a game that not only has fighting within it but also has made political ties with in it. Such being the case Sea Fight has no right to censor political chat between the members of the different guilds. Political chat about another party even if vulgar is allowed under the last ruling of the supreme court of the United States of American. I there for ask and demand under constitutional law that you do away with the moderators you have and hire those that know the law according to the United States Of American, or forfite any and all Monetary funds received from the United States of America
  2. [Belladonna]

    [Belladonna] Someday Author

    It may be allowed under constitutional law for the average citizen, but it is not allowed per the Terms and Conditions that you agreed to when you opened your account to play this game.

    Our MODS know the Chat Rules very well. I suggest you learn them too.

    Thank you for your input, as misdirected as it may be.
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