
Discussion in 'Help' started by AxeL»1«, Jul 31, 2014.

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  1. AxeL»1«

    AxeL»1« Forum Apprentice

    what is the max amount of mojos you can get out of glitters with max gifts of seas, doubler and no islands?

    KAHNVICT Forum Mogul

    used to be 5 don't know if it still is or not but I can tell you I've been getting 3 with just max gifts of sea.
  3. Iceman6957

    Iceman6957 Someday Author

    no doubler and max gifts of the sea will give you 3 mojo a time with doubler and gifts you'll get 5 a time
  4. AxeL»1«

    AxeL»1« Forum Apprentice

    ok ty mods may close now
  5. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    Your fellow pirates are correct.

    5 mojos is the max you can get out of the shinies with the use of the doubler and gifts of the sea.

    As OP has requested, I shall Close.

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