Mothers Day Forum Game. All Mixed Up!

Discussion in 'Official Forum Games' started by Seren, Mar 6, 2016.

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  1. DIAL-911

    DIAL-911 Forum Apprentice

    1. The Queen's Legacy
    2. Bloodlust
    3. Behemoth Repair staff
    4. Unstoppable
    5. Cauldron of Aruba
    6. 60lb Cannon
    7. Flora Fatale
    8. Booty Bag (Image from Depot)
    9. Rocket Mastor
    Seren likes this.
  2. User ID : 14/953815
    Server Global Europe 1 / Mega Server 1
    1- The Queen L
    2- Bloodlust
    3- Repair staff
    4- Unstoppable
    5- Cauldron of Aruba
    6- 60 pounder cannon
    7- Flora Fatale
    8- Bag of GEMs
    9- The Rocket Master
    Seren likes this.
  3. USB~Greybeard

    USB~Greybeard Padavan

    1. Queens Legacy
    2. Bloodlust
    3. Repstaff
    4. mojo (Incorrect)
    5. 60's (Incorrect)
    7. flora fatale
    8. gem bags
    9. Rocket master
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 8, 2016
  4. Snougga

    Snougga Forum Greenhorn

    When starting at up left corner and go to right.

    Queen's legacy
    Behemonth's repair staff
    Cauldron of Aruba
    60 pounder canon
    Flora Fatale
    Rocket master

    Tougga24 74/9323033 Skandinavia
    Seren likes this.
  5. justdie

    justdie Advanced

    well look like i found them all gg here we go
    1.[​IMG] queens legacy 2.[​IMG] bloodlust
    3.[​IMG] behemoth repair staff. 4.[​IMG] unstoppable
    5.[​IMG] Cauldron of Aruba 6.[​IMG] 60 lb cannon.

    7.[​IMG] Flora Fatale 8. [​IMG] booty bag
    9.[​IMG] The rocket master.

    For got to post my id last time lol
    1. Queen Legacy
    2. Bloodlust
    3. Behemoth repair staff
    4. Unstoppable
    5. Cauldron of Aruba
    6. 60 Pound Cannon
    7. Flora Fatale
    8. Booty Bag
    9. The Rocket Master

    us(east cost) us1
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 8, 2016
    Seren likes this.
  6. *KRUCHY*

    *KRUCHY* Forum Duke

    Username : kruchy
    ID: 39/2784463
    Server: UK1 ( gb1 - 39 )
    Answers :
    1) Queen Legacy
    2) Bloodlust
    3) Behemot Repair Staff
    4) Unstoppable
    5) Cauldron of Arruba
    6) 60 pounder
    7) Flora fatale
    8) Booty bag
    9) Rocket Master
    Seren likes this.
  7. Neophyte

    Neophyte Forum Apprentice

    39/34260678 english server

    1. queen legacy
    2. bloodlust
    3. behemoth repair staff
    4. unstoppable
    5. cauldron of aruba
    6. 60lb cannon
    7. flora fatale
    8. booty bag
    9. rocketmaster
    Seren likes this.

    -MAREDDRAGO94- Forum Greenhorn

    1. Queen Legacy
    2. Bloodlust
    3. Behemoth repair staff
    4. Unstoppable
    5. Cauldron of Aruba
    6. 60 Pound Cannon
    7. Flora Fatale
    8. Booty Bag
    9. The Rocket Master

    1. Queen Legacy
    2. Bloodlust
    3. Behemoth repair staff
    4. Unstoppable
    5. Cauldron of Aruba
    6. 60 Pound Cannon
    7. Flora Fatale
    8. Booty Bag
    9. The Rocket Master
    40/24081396 East coast server forgot it

    1-Queen legacy
    2-Blood lust
    3-Behemoth repair staff
    5-Cauldron of aruba
    6-60 pounder cannon
    7-Flora fatale desing
    8-Booty bags
    9-Rocket master
    40/24081396 usa east coast
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 8, 2016
    Seren likes this.
  9. squirrelstabber

    squirrelstabber Active Author

    1. Queen Legacy
    2. Bloodlust
    3. Behemoth repair staff
    4. Unstoppable
    5. Cauldron of Aruba
    6. 60 Pound Cannon
    7. Flora Fatale
    8. Booty Bag
    9. The Rocket Master
    Squirrelstabber US East Coast
    Seren likes this.
  10. socient

    socient Forum Pro

    1) The Queen's Legacy 2) Bloodlust 3) Behemoth Repair Staff 4) Unstoppable 5) Cauldron of Aruba 6) 60-Pounder Crafting 7) Bonus CD ship 1 (Incorrect) 8) Booty Bag Sale 9) Emergency repairs (Incorrect)

    ID: 166/21370127

    Global Europe 2
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 8, 2016
  11. kittystomper2

    kittystomper2 Forum Expert

    Happy Mothers Day
    Top BlackMarket Buff (Queens Legacy), Bloodlust, Bohemoth Repair Staff
    Middle Unstoppable, Cauldron of Aruba, 60lb Cannon
    Bottom Flora Fatale, Booty Bags, Rocket Master
    kittystomper2 US East

    1- Black Market Buffs (Queen legacy)
    2-Blood lust
    3-Behemoth repair staff
    5-Cauldron of aruba
    6-60 pounder cannon
    7-Flora fatale design
    8-Booty bags
    9-Rocket master
    40/15552517 usa east

    Does not look like its taking my submission...humm
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 8, 2016
    Seren likes this.
  12. SinkYah

    SinkYah Junior Expert

    1. queen legacy 2. blood lust 3. repair staff behemooth one 4. unstoppable 5. cauldron of aruba 6. 60 pounder cannon 7. flora fatale skin 8. booty bags 9. rocketmaste

    User ID:
    40/42024717 USA 1
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 6, 2016
    Seren likes this.
  13. {*awesome*}

    {*awesome*} Forum Greenhorn

    1) Queen Legacy
    2) Bloodlust
    3) Behemoth repair staff
    4) Unstoppable
    5) Cauldron of Arruba
    6) 60 pounder cannon
    7) Flora fatale design
    8) Booty bag
    9) The rocket master
    User ID : 39/30561827
    Ship name : {*awesome*}
    Server UK1 ( gb1 - 39 )

    1) Queen Legacy
    2) Bloodlust
    3) Behemoth repair staff
    4) Unstoppable
    5) Cauldron of Arruba
    6) 60 pounder cannon
    7) Flora fatale design
    Booty bag
    9) The rocket master
    User ID : 39/30561827
    Ship name : {*awesome*}
    Server UK1 ( gb1 - 39 )
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 8, 2016
    Seren likes this.
  14. socient

    socient Forum Pro

    1) The Queen's Legacy
    2) Bloodlust
    3) Behemoth Repair Staff
    4) Unstoppable
    5) Cauldron of Aruba
    6) 60-Pounder Crafting
    7) Bonus CD ship 1 (Incorrect)
    8) Booty Bag Sale
    9) Emergency repairs (Incorrect)
    ID: 166/21370127
    Global Europe 2
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 8, 2016
  15. ×|ß3ga|×(₩ΛŁ)

    ×|ß3ga|×(₩ΛŁ) Someday Author

    1-Queen's Legacy
    3-Behemoth Repair Staff
    5-Cauldron of Aruba
    7-Ship design -Flora Fatale
    8-Booty Bag
    9-The Rocket Master

    Global Europe 1 14/37172617

    1-Queen's Legacy
    3-Behemoth Repair Staff
    5-Cauldron of Aruba
    7-Ship design -Flora Fatale
    8-Booty Bag
    9-The Rocket Master

    Global Europe 1

    User ID:
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 8, 2016
    Seren likes this.
  16. JanI

    JanI Forum Greenhorn

    1) Queen Legacy
    2) Bloodlust
    3) Behemoth repair staff
    4) Unstoppable
    5) Cauldron of Arruba
    6) 60 pounder cannon
    7) Flora fatale design
    8) Booty bag
    9) The rocket master

    User ID: 39/12604182
    Ship name : *JanI*
    Server UK1 ( gb1 - 39 )
    Seren likes this.
  17. ~ButterFly~

    ~ButterFly~ Forum Apprentice

    1-Queen's Legacy
    3-Behemoth Repair Staff
    5-Cauldron of Aruba
    6-Admiral cannon (Incorrect)
    7-Ship design -Flora Fatale
    8-Booty Bag
    9-The Rocket Master
    User ID:39/33908512
    server: england 1
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 8, 2016
  18. *HMS*aZgaRd*

    *HMS*aZgaRd* Someday Author

    1. Queens Legacy
    2. Bloodlust
    3. Behemoth Repair Staff
    4. Unstoppable
    5. Cauldron of Aruba
    6. Chain(Equipment) on a 60 pound Cannon
    7. Flara Fatale design(ship)
    8. Level 14 Upgrade Gem oozing out of Booty Bag
    9. Ship Repair

    GA/2 634/39194120
    Seren likes this.
  19. ∂αηү

    ∂αηү Forum Greenhorn

    1. Queen's Legacy
    2. Bloodlust
    3. Behemoth Repair Staff
    4. Unstoppable
    5. Cauldron of Aruba
    6. 60-Pounder Crafting
    7. Flora Fatale design
    8. Booty Bag
    9. The Rocket Master

    User ID:
    Seren likes this.
  20. ~ButterFly~

    ~ButterFly~ Forum Apprentice

    1-Queen's Legacy
    3-Behemoth Repair Staff
    5-Cauldron of Aruba
    6-60 lb cannon
    7-Ship design -Flora Fatale
    8-Booty Bag
    9-The Rocket Master
    User ID:39/33908512
    server: england 1
    Seren likes this.
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