Mothers Day Forum Game. All Mixed Up!

Discussion in 'Official Forum Games' started by Seren, Mar 6, 2016.

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  1. Graverattack

    Graverattack Padavan

    1-Queen's Legacy
    3-Behemoth Repair Staff
    5-Cauldron of Aruba
    6-60 lb cannon
    7-Ship design -Flora Fatale
    8-Booty Bag
    9-The Rocket Master
    634/42207126 , global america 2
    Seren likes this.
  2. 1 - Queen's Legacy.
    2 - Bloodlust.
    3 - Behemoth Repair Staff.
    4 - Unstoppable.
    5 - Cauldron of Aruba.
    6 - 60 pounder cannon.
    7 - Design (Flora Fatale).
    8 - Booty Bag.
    9 - Rocket master.
    ID: 281/41253368
    Server: Global Europe 3
    Seren likes this.
  3. TwistedlyCute

    TwistedlyCute Forum Apprentice

    1-Queen's Legacy
    3-Behemoth Repair Staff
    5-Cauldron of Aruba
    6-60 lb cannon
    7-Ship design -Flora Fatale
    8-Booty Bag
    9-The Rocket Master
    40/28423315 america
    Seren likes this.
  4. ¤§λŦλѤ§рλώй¤

    ¤§λŦλѤ§рλώй¤ Forum Greenhorn

    1-Queen's Legacy
    3-Behemoth Repair Staff
    5-Cauldron of Aruba
    6-60 lb cannon
    7-Ship design -Flora Fatale
    8-Booty Bag
    9-The Rocket Master
    40/9024173 east
    Seren likes this.
  5. socient

    socient Forum Pro

    Edit - 9 picture is the Rocketmaster, not emergency repairs :)
    1) The Queen's Legacy
    2) Bloodlust
    3) Behemoth Repair Staff
    4) Unstoppable
    5) Cauldron of Aruba
    6) 60-Pounder Crafting
    7) Bonus CD ship 1 (Incorrect)
    8) Booty Bag Sale
    9) *The Rocketmaster *
    ID: 166/21370127
    Global Europe 2
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 8, 2016
  6. îĸý̆

    îĸý̆ Someday Author

    1-Queen's Legacy
    3-Behemoth Repair Staff
    5-Cauldron of Aruba
    7-Ship design -Flora Fatale
    8-Booty Bag
    9-The Rocket Master
    40/8103995 Mega America
    Seren likes this.
  7. _¯¯Rastaman¯¯_

    _¯¯Rastaman¯¯_ Forum Greenhorn

    1) Queen legacy
    2) Bloodlust
    3) Behemot rep staff
    4) Unstopable
    5) Cauldron of arruba
    6) 60 pounder
    7) Flora fatale
    8)Booty bag
    9) The rocket master

    User ID: 39/7114474
    Seren likes this.
  8. socient

    socient Forum Pro

    1) The Queen's Legacy (buff)
    2) Bloodlust (action item)
    3) Behemoth's Repair Staff (action item)
    4) Unstoppable (action item)
    5) Cauldron of Aruba
    6) 60lb Cannon (gun)
    7) Flora Fatale (ship design)
    8) Booty Bags (payment section)
    9) The Rocket Master (payment section)
    ID: 166/21370127
    Server: Global Europe 2
    Seren likes this.
  9. michaelwells

    michaelwells Forum Ambassador

    CONS 146/41854615

    Happy Mother's Day to all of the Mothers on the Sea Fight Staff!

    My Answers:

    Top: Tail of Limfirii and Glitters (Incorrect), Bloodlust, Behemoth Repair Staff

    Middle: Unstoppable, Cauldron of Aruba, Fashioned Attaching Plate for a Figurehead (Incorrect)

    Bottom: Part of an Island (Incorrect), Booty Bag, Deck Rail of Ship (Incorrect)

    This contest was a lot of fun. Looking forward to doing more of these in the future.
    Thanks, and take care
    Michael Wells
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 8, 2016
  10. jєssιєjaмєs_čяc

    jєssιєjaмєs_čяc Forum Greenhorn

    Queen legacy
    Blood lust
    Behemont repair stick
    Cauldron of Aruba
    60 pounder, but not the picture from game, however the picture from forum and payment
    Camofire, but this is very hard in purpose to not let anybody win.. this picture is nowhere (Incorrect)
    Booty bag
    Rocket Master

    Last edited by moderator: Mar 8, 2016
  11. matador_oscuro

    matador_oscuro Forum Greenhorn

    Queen legacy
    Blood lust
    Behemont repair stick
    Cauldron of Aruba
    60 pounder
    flora fatale design
    booty bag
    rocket master
    146/29484249 server us2
    Seren likes this.
  12. ✝Vεŋǿм✝

    ✝Vεŋǿм✝ Forum Apprentice

    Queen legacy
    Blood lust
    Behemont repair stick
    Cauldron of Aruba
    60 pounder
    flora fatale design
    booty bag
    rocket master
    40/33485361 Server USA EAST
    Seren likes this.
  13. Ace-D

    Ace-D Forum Greenhorn

    The Queen legacy,
    Blood lust,
    Behemont repair stick,
    Cauldron of Aruba,
    60 pounder,
    flora fatale design,
    booty bag,
    and rocket master
    146/18979618 Server Usa West
    Seren likes this.
  14. dropedship

    dropedship Someday Author

    Queen legacy
    Blood lust
    Behemont repair stick
    Cauldron of Aruba
    60 pounder
    flora fatale design
    booty bag
    rocket master

    30/4511533 uk server
    Seren likes this.
  15. LAnSUPA

    LAnSUPA Someday Author

    behemoth rep staff
    cauldron of aruba Duplicated
    cauldron of aruba
    flora fatale
    lord booty bag
    rocket master

    No Queens Legacy
    lansupa 24555103 gb1
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 8, 2016
  16. prisonbarge*

    prisonbarge* Forum Apprentice

    All Mixed Up!

    behemoth rep staff
    cauldron of aruba (Duplicated)
    cauldron of aruba
    flora fatale
    booty bag
    rocket master

    No Queens Legacy

    User ID:

    Last edited by moderator: Mar 8, 2016
  17. |SHARK|

    |SHARK| Forum Greenhorn

    behemoth rep staff
    cauldron of aruba (Duplicated)
    unstoppable item
    cauldron of aruba
    cannon 60 lvl
    flora fatale
    booty bag
    rocket master

    No Queens Legacy

    166/22018060 EG2
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 8, 2016
  18. queens legacy
    behemoth repair staff
    cauldron of aruba
    flora fatale
    lord booty bag
    rocket naster

    No Id for randomisation id given 2222222
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 8, 2016
    Seren likes this.
  19. LAnSUPA

    LAnSUPA Someday Author

    queens legacy
    behemoth repair staff
    cauldron of aruba
    flora fatale
    lord booty bag
    rocket master

    lansupa 24555103 gb1

    can tell the cheats that copied my answers , they really shouldn't be so gullable and not copy others answers
    Seren likes this.
  20. -Spidy-

    -Spidy- Forum Greenhorn

    Queens Legacy
    Behemoth repair staff
    Cauldron of Aruba
    60 cannon
    Flora Fatale
    Booty Bag
    Rocket Master

    Seren likes this.
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