Need Help My Quest is Bugged

Discussion in 'Help' started by dragula061, Sep 12, 2019.

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  1. dragula061

    dragula061 Forum Greenhorn

    Hey, i need help about the level 13 quest , dismounting . It gives me a coordinate to travel and then says me to kill 5 manatee ' s but they don't spawn at all . I took the quest maybe 40 times and tried different stuff . I contacted support but nothing happened for 3 days now . anyone know's how to fix this? i tried 2 different web browsers and also the client of the game . Please help

    User Name : dragula061
    User ID : 1351/151391
    Server : Global Europe 7
  2. Shelby1

    Shelby1 Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Hello Pirate,

    Have you searched around the map for the manatees assometimes they can be found sailing?

  3. dragula061

    dragula061 Forum Greenhorn

    of course i did , but i did not check all the maps.
  4. Shelby1

    Shelby1 Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Hello Pirate,

    Our developers are working under high pressure to resolve the current problem. Unfortunately we do not have more information to tell you about this. Therefore, all we can ask is that you are patient.

  5. dragula061

    dragula061 Forum Greenhorn

    is there any chance that developers can complete this quest for me or just make it skip. i don't care about the rewards . it blocks me from moving forward in the game ; i cant level up at all. i spend stupid amount of money for a beginner ship in 5 days and now i can't even play the game. this is a huge issue.
  6. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ Forum Duke

    never seen bigpoint skip it. however this quest is not the only of this type that is bugged. there is 1 in the fenghuang where the required npc does not spawn on the coords. it's one of the mny things on bigpoints to-do list. unfortunately, it looks like this might take a while to be resolved as bigpoint seem to only have the season working properly as the only priority at the moment. the only thing I can suggest is kill as many drakir hrells to build your ship up while you wait for a resolution
  7. dragula061

    dragula061 Forum Greenhorn

    this is a game that i spent money from day 2 . and i cant even play it. i saw post's from 2018 about this bug and seems like it still continues . i am not gonna spend time and money on a game which they might fix in months . how hard can it be to remove 1 quest from the chain , adjust it or convert it into something else if there is a spawn bug that developers cannot fix .
  8. Shelby1

    Shelby1 Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Hello Pirate,

    As I have previously said our developers are working under high pressure to resolve the current problem. Unfortunately we do not have more information to tell you about this. Therefore, all we can ask is that you are patient.

    ~turnip~ likes this.
  9. Shelby1

    Shelby1 Board Administrator Team Seafight

    As there has been no further response and this issue has been forwarded I will now close


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