Need some clarification..

Discussion in 'Help' started by Madness_051-2, May 14, 2014.

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  1. Madness_051-2

    Madness_051-2 Advanced

    Rumor control has it that the scrolls are not giving the final rewards when one has completed them? I've seen a couple posts here in reference to the scrolls but they are not necessarily answering my questions... What exactly is NOT happening when we are playing in the scrolls?
  2. Ahoy Madness

    I have done 2 virgo & 1 capricorn today
    the virgos have given the end reward (ie, the extra HP, cannon damage)
    although i got a log entry of : You received 7 x labels_Subscriptions_8 &
    You received 7 x labels_Subscriptions_1 (looking at answers in forum means 7 days extra HP & 7 days extra cannon damage)

    but the capricorn hasn't given the end rewards (the extra HP or cannon damage or smoke bombs)

    In my case, all waves, on all maps, have given correct, harps, powders,shields, pearls, gold, mojo's, ELP & EXP. (So if it was cancer, you may not get the queens legacy, mojo deck, etc)
    These are the end rewards that ppl are refering to

    Hope this helps Җ-ŤöŕŦŭŕëÐ-ŠöŭŁ-Җ happy sailing m8
    Last edited: May 14, 2014
  3. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Your fellow player is correct in his explanation.

    Is there anything further you require.
  4. Madness_051-2

    Madness_051-2 Advanced

    Lovely, so my virgo maps are ok but i should refrain from completing the cap, sag, and cancer maps because its unlikely, at this time, I'll recieve end rewards. If I have it right Seren, ya may close and I'll keep my fingers crossed that the next update will fix it.
  5. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    As per your request this post will be closed.

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