Suggestion New bags

Discussion in 'Help' started by CRORijeka20, Apr 14, 2019.

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  1. CRORijeka20

    CRORijeka20 Advanced

    Hello guys i want to buy some bags of jewls so i see some new bags that are divine bag so is that better then epiror bags or what i want zo buy two of them wat bags are better divine or epiror bag and sorry for my bad enaglish
  2. rip9999

    rip9999 Someday Author

    divine are better
  3. CRORijeka20

    CRORijeka20 Advanced

    Ok where are admirals to commet and to suggest

    TEX~BULL User

    The Divine Bags are the top choice with highest jewels as your fellow pirate suggested.

  5. CRORijeka20

    CRORijeka20 Advanced

    So what is best way to buy to spend my 13 euro so i say to buy one bay epiror of 3star and one bag of divne and pack of 3bags that is lord bag epiror bag and divine what say who have better chois suggestion please

    TEX~BULL User

    I am sorry but I can not tell or advise you on how to spend you money.

  7. CRORijeka20

    CRORijeka20 Advanced


    TEX~BULL User

    As the OP has responded and the question answered:

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