New Boarding System on Open Beta

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Seren, Jan 15, 2016.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    New Boarding System on Open Beta

    Ahoy Pirates,

    On Monday (18th January) the open beta server will be available.

    We have synched the new boarding system on the open beta. We need feedback and bug reports. The new boarding system will be available, which works on Players as well as on NPCs.

    This will need to be tested on especially created maps for the boarding. So the boarding can be tested on all maps above the level 20 maps.

    We have decided to expand the test for the open beta. This means, we would like you to test the new Admirals as well as the new guild islands. We will add both to the test maps. On these test maps there will be only the guild islands and NPCs (no other assets/graphics) so you have enough space to test the features.

    Remember to focus on the boarding system, admirals and guild islands, please give detailed feedback and add any bug reports <here>.

    We will randomly distribute levels between 21-25 so the boarding test maps can be entered.

    Your Seafight Team.
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