new equipment

Discussion in 'Help' started by crazy-diamond, Oct 11, 2017.

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  1. crazy-diamond

    crazy-diamond Junior Expert

    Ok, regarding these new equipment items... firstly when they were in the market due to an error there was the items scaled at levels 0-5 , obviously level 5 being the best sort, then when they became properly available they were marked up as level 0 , now it seems they are just standard... so the question is thus - if you aquire the said items (chains, lanterns, ribs, etc.) can they be upgraded? and if so how? or is this something that has been removed as an option only to be introduced in the future at some kind of pearl/crown/crystal cost?

    if anyone can shed any light on this without just guesswork it might work as an incentive to get these new items (or not) as its kinda confusing and am reluctant as i guess many are as to what the set up and future holds for this upgrade
  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Yes there are 5 levels to these items. When and how we are yet to find out.
  3. crazy-diamond

    crazy-diamond Junior Expert

    ok, ty seren :) x
  4. ♥§ea§♥

    ♥§ea§♥ Advanced

    what about the ones they didn't bring out like the b chains? are they releasing them anytime?
  5. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    As soon as we have any further information we will post it in the forum.

    We have asked for clearer explanation of the items that are live at this time.
  6. burakbey1yas

    burakbey1yas Forum Apprentice

    seren beta not gonna open?
  7. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    I would like to clarify the following because it seems as if there were a misunderstanding of “open beta” in our player community: As far as it concerns the new Seafight client, we will go live with it next week. There won’t be any “open beta” to test the client anymore – we already did the testing a couple of weeks ago.

    “Open Beta” just means that the version of the new Seafight client will be a “beta” version but it will be accessible on the live servers.
  8. burakbey1yas

    burakbey1yas Forum Apprentice

    i think admins trolling us 1 time you was say will be open at 11th at12 later at 17th and now? nothing i hope halloween be test there
  9. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    I can only give you the information that we are issued.

    If and when the Open Beta Server will be opened then we will inform you.

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